Part III: Hurt

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Smee gives me a set of clothes much like the crew is wearing.  Smaller in size, however, and thankfully not loose or baggy.  I have long brown hair, irritatingly plain, and to keep it out of my face, I tie it up with a small red piece of cloth.  It is supposed to be used as a type of belt, I think.

Only being on the ship for about twenty minutes, I am surprised by how much I already seem to look like a sailor, or more likely, a pirate. They do not come across as the most moral of men.  Even now from the cabins I can hear their yelling and jeering up above me.

Sitting on one of the many cots that are down here, I lie down on my back and look up at the wooden paneling over me.  Not any more than five or six hours ago I was lying on my bed all alone in my home.   

Tears start welling up in my eyes as I remember my parents.  They don't know where I am.  When they come home, I'm not going to be there.

At the thought of this, I turn over and sob into the rough wool blankets of the cot.  As usual, I am alone. My family is miles away, there are no friends to miss me, and here I am beneath the decks of a ship filled with rowdy and drunken pirates. 

Then I hear a knock on the cabin door.


It's Smee.

"Just a second!" I quickly wipe my eyes and sit up, pretending to adjust the shoelaces of my combat boots. "Come in."

The door opens and Smee, holding a tray of food, hops down the small set of stairs and walks it over to me.

"Here you are, dear. You're going to want to eat up! You have a big day ahead of you." He hands me the tray and turns to leave.

"I have a name you know. It's Lyv."

"Oh, oh I do apologize miss," he doesn't stop or even look at me, but keeps shuffling over towards door. "I'll be sure to remember it!"

The door slams shut. I let out a long sigh and fall back on the bed.  I'm not hungry. I don't want the food. In spite of this, I sit back up and grab the biscuit that was on the tray. Evidently I have a 'big day ahead'.

Another knock on the door.

"Yes?" I ask in irritation. Eating my biscuit in peace would be nice.

"It's Hook. Are you...decent?"

"No. Not at all." Sarcasm is something I take pride in using.

"Well then, I suppose I shouldn't open the door."

Of course the door flies open right after that.

Crossing my arms and giving him my best judgemental look, I say, "You know you really don't have the most moral social qualities."

"I am a pirate aren't I?"

"You tell me, 'Hook'."

By this time I am straining my neck to look up at him; he stands less than a foot away from me. Though it would probably be unlike him, his attitude is one of despair. Despairing for me. Almost like he is watching me burn at the stake but there is no way he can help. Its not just that, though. He looks sad in general. Like he has been hurt by something. Or someone.

"Who hurt you?" I ask, even though I know I shouldn't.


"You look...sad. Did someone hurt you?" He looks at the wall above my head, moving his tongue along the edge of his teeth.

"If you must know, yes. Someone did."


"To put it simply, I lost my hand for the sake of love. Then she died." His eyes return to their contact with mine, and he starts to blink rapidly, most likely to keep tears away.

'He really loved her,' I think to myself. For some idiotic reason, I can't keep myself from asking another question. My heart is breaking for him.

"What was her name?"

Shocked by my continuous flow of inquiries, he tilts his head to the side and looks at me, puzzled. For a moment, I think he is going to answer.

"We can't, and aren't going to, protect you."

I've been wrong before.

"From what?" An exasperated sigh escapes before I have time to catch it.

"Peter Pan. Well, the Lost Boys are the ones coming to get you."

"And who are they?"

"They live on the island. Neverland it's called. Pan is their leader." Before I can respond, he starts again. "His shadow chose you. It found you and brought you here. Now, well, now they are coming to 'collect what is theirs'." 

"Okay..." So many words float around in the air between us. Its almost too much to take in. Pan. Boys. Neverland. Lost. That is how I feel - lost. 

Hook's eyes scan the wooden ceiling at the sound of clamoring above us. I almost speak, but realize he is trying to listen and find out what is happening. Yells ensue along with loud arguing between people. Or groups of people even.

"They're here." He continues staring up, but I am looking at him now. I scan his features as subtly as possible.

Messy brownish-black hair with what appears to be some sort of goatee. An earring dangles from his right ear and his clothes are made almost completely out of black leather. His eyes, however, are the lightest shade of icy blue. Piercing to say the least. I can't help but admit to myself his devilishly attractive looks.

My gaze is cut short when he drops his head to look at me.

"As I said, I can't protect you."

'I'm aware,' I think.

"But, I can warn you." He gets down on one knee and brings his mouth to my ear. "Pan. Watch out for that one. You're feisty, and he will like that bit about you. But don't grow close to him. He'll transform you into a monster and will kill you off whenever he wants. Stay away. Run away, Lyv." 

A hard lump forms in my throat as I try to swallow. My mouth has gone dry. Hook rises and turns around towards the door.

"Now come on," he shifts his head enough so I can see the side of his face. Cracking a smirk, he says, "Your chariot awaits."

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now