Part IV: Scar-Face

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As I step onto the main deck, all eyes turn towards me. A group of boys - obviously not a part of the crew - stands to my right, watching every move I make. Each one of them wears a brown cloak, with hoods concealing their faces.

Though there are only three of them, burly, six-foot pirates are guarding them as if they are watching over Pandora's box. One boy stands in front of the other two, his hood pulled back enough so that I can make out some details of his appearance.

His hair is a shaggy blonde, reaching down to his eyes in the front, but not passing his ears on the sides. A scar cuts across the right side of his face from his jaw to the edge of his nose, making him look much more menacing than he would without it.

"That's her. Bring her here."

I stop and turn to look at the scar-faced boy who spoke, trying my best not to act petrified.

"Why?" I question. "Why do you want me?"

"Oh we don't. But Pan is just dying to meet you." A smile begins across his face, dark and malicious. Chills surge over me as I take a step back, but Hook stands there, blocking me.

He leans down to my ear with both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Go with them. They won't hurt you - not until they've brought you to Pan," he whispers.

I reach over my shoulder and grab his hand. Out of everyone on this ship, I trust him the most. He acts as if he cares about me. As I walk forward towards the three boys, the blockade of pirates splits down the middle. There is no way they will stand in the way of the enemy's "possession".  

Tightening my jaw, I approach Scar-Face with as much courage as my face will show.

"What's your name, girl?" he asks with hardly any inflection in his voice.

"What's yours?"


I like Scar-Face much better. 

"Alright, Felix. My name's Lyv."

All three boys examine me little by little, making my muscles twitch nervously. I feel like they are searching for any flaw that I might possess. 

"Pan will like this one, boys," Felix states, the right side of his mouth raising up into some sort of half-smile. At this, the other boys step out to me, each grabbing one of my arms.

By this time I know there is no point in struggling. Where would I go if I escaped?

They lead me to the edge of the ship and gesture to a small rowboat floating in the water. I guess I'm supposed to get in it.

Hoisting my right leg and then my left over the ship's railing, I glance back at Hook. Our eyes meet for a second before Felix walks up and commands in a stern voice, "Get in the boat."

"Okay, okay. I'm going!"

It takes a moment to decide the best way to hop down that will keep me from accidentally toppling out of the boat and into the water, but I finally slide off of the railiing. Thankfully I land in the center of the boat, completely balanced, and sit down quickly thereafter.

The boys do the same, but much faster than I was able to. They've been doing it for a long time I suppose.

Two oars are positioned in small wooden holsters on the sides of the boat, and the two boys grab them immediately to start rowing. They, along with Scar-Face, sit in front of me, but he is the only one who faces me.

As the boat moves further away from Hook and the ship, my stomach twists and turns inside of me. Every stroke of the oars brings me closer to 'Neverland'. Closer to Peter Pan.

For a while we sit in silence, traveling through an enormous patch of thick fog. Felix and the other boys appear unphased by the fact that it is impossible to see anything ahead of us.

In fact, all Felix seems to care about at the moment is me. He won't take his eyes off of me. I do my best to avoid eye contact, but every once in a while my eyes are helplessly drawn to his stare. 

All of a sudden we break through the fog, and I can see the island. The landscape takes my breath away and I try to absorb every detail of it as fast as I can. Mountains, beaches and forests are scattered gorgeously across the expanse of land. I feel as though I could touch it if only I reached my hand out far enough.

It isn't long before the boat skids up on the shore of a small beach, and all three boys jump out with me following close behind.

"Welcome to Neverland, Lyv." Felix says, smiling sinisterly. "Follow me."

He strides up the beach, into the forest and I obey, with the other boys walking directly behind me. The forest is dense, packed with trees, bushes, and plants of every shape and color. I am almost surprised when I notice trails stretching out in every direction, though I really shouldn't be. People live here after all.  

As we walk, I try to map out and memorize the turns we take so I'll be able to escape back to the beach if need be. It becomes impossible, however, with every part of the forest appearing identical to the others. Hook's warning rings in my ears:

"Stay away. Run away, Lyv."

But that feat may be easier said than done.  

We walk for about ten more minutes until we finally reach a large clearing. In the middle of it sits a fire pit, with stumps and logs positioned around it as benches, I assume.

A few small tents have been placed around the perimeter of the clearing, but there is no one in them. No one is anywhere.

I turn to ask Felix where everyone has gone, but he isn't there. All three boys have vanished without a sound.

Wide-eyed with panic, I shriek a little when I hear the sound of a voice behind me.

"Well hello, Lyv."

I whirl around to greet the face of another boy, one I haven't seen yet. He doesn't wear a cloak like the others, only a green pair of pants and a shirt patched with fabrics of various shades of the same general color. His hair is a light brown, tousled a bit on the sides and he is definitely a several inches taller than I am.

"How do you know my name?" I question. "Who are you?"

He grins immediately and replies.

"Why I'm Peter! Peter Pan."

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now