Part IX: "Lyv, darling."

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My heart races.

I knew he would try and find me. Why didn't I see this coming?

Again his voice rings out, "Lyv, dear, where are you?"

There is nowhere left to run. Looking back towards Tink, I see her still completely asleep. If Pan comes up here, who knows what he'll do.

Cautiously I step onto the first rung of the ladder. My hands shake as I grip each one, which makes my descent reasonably difficult.

When I reach the bottom, Pan isn't there. No matter where I look, he isn't anywhere to be seen. I sigh with relief thinking that maybe I imagined the entire incident. Just as I turn back to the ladder, however, a hand is clamped over my mouth.

"We'll have no screaming or kicking, Lyv, darling."

It's definitely Pan.

He removes his hand and backs away slightly as I stop struggling. I am somewhat apprehensive when I turn to greet him, our faces only inches away.

"Why are you here, Pan?" I question firmly.

To my disgust, he smiles and strokes the side of my face with his hand. "I thought I told you to call me Peter."

Knocking his hand away, I take an exaggerated step backwards to further the distance between us.

"Honestly, I don't know what to call you." Before he can open his mouth, I continue. "You attacked me. You ripped my hope apart and tore me from my family permanently. They are the only ones who ever loved me! Is there any excuse for that?"

Still smiling with an eyebrow raised, he places his hands on my hips and pulls me close.

"You belong here, Lyv. With me," he whispers.

Chills run through me, but I fight them off, and push him away.

"Don't touch me, Pan. Is this what you did to every girl that your shadow brought to you? Try and get them to stay by seducing them?"

"Possibly," he smirks. "But they never minded."

I put my hand against his chest to stop him from advancing further.

"You might be surprised, but I am not 'them'. And I definitely mind."

I suppose my confident tone got through to him because he cocks his head and crosses his arms over his chest, looking confused.

"Well, you are a different one aren't you now?"

"Peter, let me go home."

"Oh look at that! You called me Peter," he grins.

I can't help but chuckle.

"Yes, Peter. Yes I did."

To my surprise I find myself smiling back at him, but I knock some sense into myself and remember that he avoided my demand.

"Peter Pan. Bring me home."

For a moment, all he does is stare straight at me, his eyes and expression belittling me like I'm some pitiful creature to him.

"Well darling..."

I cringe at the endearing term.

"If I can't persuade you to stay, then I suppose I'll have to force you."

Before I can run, he pulls a small pouch out of his pocket and throws its contents at me. My vision blurs, my head spins and I collapse into Peter's expecting arms. The last thing I see is his eyes - strikingly hazel with a dash of green - and a captivating smile spreading across his face.

Lost Girl: Peter Pan/Once Upon a TimeWhere stories live. Discover now