
200 3 7


1. Fireworks

2. Written in 2nd person

3. Something being found

4. Based on a colour, like you’re explaining it to a blind person

5. Something you wish had happened this year

6. Trust

7. Someone standing somewhere

8. Life

9. Clouds

10. Based on a song

11. The 13 of 2013

12. Part of an overheard conversation, what you think happened (or what actually happened)

13. Smile

14. Your choice

But what brings you here, I wonder? But since you've already seen this, you might as well read the others, no? Well, whatever. Check out Numbers by stormy_shadows and The Challenge by TempestalOne. They are better writers than I am. Bear that in mind before I come after you with a sledgehammer. >:D

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