Chapter Three: When Stars Align

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Chapter Three: When Stars Align

          Book One: Verse III

  "People walk in and out of our

  lives. Some stay for a few days,

      others even months... but

  the most amazing thing is how

   someone would just stop and

    stand right next to us as the

     whole world passes us by."

     It was early morning, but Sean.doesn't give a damn; he needs a good drink and he's going to get it.

     Who is he to reprimand me like that?

     Considering that Rob used to be exactly the way Sean is now before Olivia. He used to smoke, get wasted, and spend his life away. But because of a girl...

     Girls, he spat, bullshit.

     Tania and he had been together for six years. They were childhood sweethearts. People around them predicted they would eventually get married and become a happy family.

     And Sean believed them all. No matter what his friends say about not getting attached so early, he pushed them at the back of his mind. He was so madly inlove to Tania, and devoted himself wholly to her.

     But then something went wrong. Tania had been in an affair with another guy, also known as his friend Victor.

     For three years, Tania had kept him in the dark. But there's no secret that won't be revealed, sooner or later.

     Turns out, Tania had been carrying Victor's child. When she found this, she panicked and told Victor about it. They both knew that they'd be shamed. Tania then decided to abort the baby. Victor did nothing to stop her. She died in the process.

     Sean closed his eyes shut and tried desperately to push the thoughts away. That was so long ago, but the wound it caused hasn't healed at all...

     Suddenly, he heard people screaming around him.


     It was her dayoff, so Pauline decided to stroll for a while for no apparent reason; something she hadn't done for so long.

     She so desperately needed some time to relax. After passing her annual report and helping her friend Lisa in her wedding business, her body felt extremely tired and exhausted.

     In addition to that, she also hasn't fully digested the fact that she gave in to her bestfriend's plea. Again.

     During their years in high school, she had always been nice and giving to Lisa. She was always the understanding one, the strong and brave one, the humble one.

     She never liked drama and misunderstandings to happen because of really small things, so she always, always, gave way.

     But being a part of a 'diabolical' plan to claim a heritage is too much. Not only will it cause so much trouble to the guy's family (whoever he is), it will also jeopardize her life. She's quite sure things will backfire at her. Sometimes, she blames herself for being so nice.

     Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! She repeated again and again in her mind.

     She got in her car and sped off to the nearest mall to shop for new things. Her mind was too pre-occupied by guilt and all the possible karma the lie would cause that she failed to notice the red stoplight.

     She shifted her gaze to her right and noticed a car going straight to her. She immediately dodged it and skittered towards the pedestrian lane, almost grazing a man walking along the side walk.


     A honking sound from a car caught Sean's attention. He turned around, only to see that car going straight for him. He ran as fast as he could, losing balance when he hit another pedestrian.

     He fell down and thought that the car would graze him. The end for him. But at the last second, the driver seemed to make the brake work and the car stopped exactly a feet away from him.


     Pauline struggled to control the car. The man was running for his life. People around them also scattered away. The brake couldn't seem to work.

     She stepped further down the brakes. The car stopped right in front of the fallen man. By some sort of luck.

     Pauline was a little shocked from what just happened. Once she gathered herself, she stepped out the car and rushed to the man.

"I'm sorry, sir. Really, really sorry. Are you all right?" she asked, reaching his arm.

"Don't fucking touch me! You..." Sean shouted. He trailed off when he noticed the person who almost killed him was a girl.

"I-uh, I'm really sorry...."

"I'm good," he said, dusting off his pants and standing up. His irritation still evident.

"I'm willing to pay for the damage," Pauline said then inspected the man from head to toe seeing no evident damage. "If any."

     The police arrived and demanded Pauline to raise her hands and surrender, which she did.

"You're under arrest for disobeying road protocols," a fat policeman said. "You need to come with us. And Mr.," the policeman said to Sean," would you please accompany us to--"

"I'd drop all charges," he said, cutting the police. "I'm alive. I won't take any part in this."

     Sean turned away and continued walking.

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