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"'Magic shop' is a psychodramatic technique that exchanges fear for a positive attitude' What is the supposed to mean?" My love spoke with such curiosity then with a book in her hand, it was dark that night the moon covered by the clouds. With every glimpses of a street light she tried to catch a few words from her novel 'Olympia' the copy I'd given her on our 2nd anniversary.

Driving back after the bonfire was my idea. I thought one drink wasn't enough to mess with me, besides it had been hours ago. I was wrong. It happened so fast, all I can remember is the blaring horn and the headlights of the caring speeding towards me.

How did I lose everything that quickly? How was I so oblivious to Taehyung's pain? How was I so damn clueless?

I was so caught up in my own self despair I failed to realize how much pain my friend was going through. I went through my phone log looking at the missed calls and texts. If only I could go back. The messages he sent me were twice as heart wrenching.

'Hyung please I need you,' 'I can't take this anymore,' 'My sister, she hates me,' 'I hate me,' 'I'm a murderer.'

Reading them again tore at my soul, picked at my very existence. I was so wallowed up in my own self pity that I couldn't see the torture he was going through. I failed him, like I failed Jin and like I failed my love.

God how I wish I could turn back time. Imagine how things would change if my world had never spun out of control. My love would be well, she could walk and our love would thrive. If time was rewind I could have saved Seokjin before it was too late. He would be alive and healthy, he could be here to guide me and my brothers.

I could have picked up the phone. I could have answered Taehyung's call but instead I'm stuck listening to the same voicemail over and over again. So I stand there, in front of the mirror staring at my reflection. My phone in my hand and underneath my phone is the recording dying to be pressed. And with a simple click I shudder at the voice.

"Hyung, please pick up the phone. I need you, I need to talk-"

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