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btw michael is michael clifford and louis is louis tomlison and some other boys might appear lol i haven't fully decided yet


"I'm bored" Perrie groans, lying upside down on my bed while I'm sitting cross-legged on the floor.

I sigh, not knowing what to do.

"What are you girls doing?" Louis asks, walking into my room.

"Nothing." Me and Perrie say simultaneously.

"That sounds fun." Louis laughs, and we both stare blankly at him. "Kidding, kidding. No need to laugh so hard." He jokes, and we keep staring blankly at him. "Okay, sheesh. Tough crowd today. You two must really be bored."

I nod.

"Can you think of something for us to do, Louis?" Perrie asks, turning right-side-up on my bed, laying on her chest.

"Um, you girls are really funny. Why don't you start a webseries?" Louis suggests.

"A webseries?" We repeat.

"A webseries." He laughs. "Anyways, I have to go finish tuning my guitar. Bye girls." Louis waves, walking down the hallway.

"What is a webseries?" Perrie asks.

I shrug, getting up and walking to my desk, opening my laptop.

Perrie walks over to my desk, dragging a chair over.

"A web series is a series of scripted or non-scripted videos, generally in episodic form, released on the Internet and part of the web television medium, which first emerged in the late 1990s and become more prominent in the early 2000s (decade). A single instance of a web series program can be called an episode or "webisode"." I read from the webpage.

"Oh." Perrie drags.

"Sounds like fun. Do you want to do it?" I ask Perrie, turning to face her.

"Obviously. How popular do you think we could get?" She asks.

I shrug. "It's worth a try."

"Okay, let's do it." Perrie grins.

We cross our fingers, sealing the deal.


@/JadeTomlinson : me and @/PerrieEdwards are going to film the first episode to our webseries today :DDD


"I think we should do this thing where we-" Perrie says, but gets cut off.

"I heard you guys are doing a webseries?" Michael, the slightly nerdy, slightly emo kid from across the hall of my apartment building floor asks, popping out of his apartment.

"Uh, yeah." I say awkwardly, scared that he'll get mad at us for not inviting him to join.

Michael's kinda our friend, we hang out with him sometimes, but not as much as me and Perrie are together.

"You don't have any filming equipment. I have tons of it, and I know how to use it all too. I could film you guys if you want?" Michael suggests.

I look to Perrie, who's looking at me.

Perrie raises a finger to Michael, and me and Perrie huddle up and whisper to each other.

"Should we?" I ask.

"We need the help." She answers.

"So a go?" I respond.

"Go." She says, breaking the huddle.

"Okay Mike, you can join us. The door'll be open, set up in the empty room and me and Jade will be in her room. Call us when you're done." Perrie says.

I grin, practically skipping up the stairs.

"Someone's happy." Louis laughs.

"Of course I am! We're filming the first episode of our webseries today!" I cheer.

"Finally took my advice, eh? Have fun girls." Louis smiles, kissing the top of my head before me and Perrie run up the stairs.



the cover is kinda trash rn lol i'll fix it tomorrow

anyways i hope you guys enjoyed that i got a little carried away that was like half a chapter whoops lol

so for a kinda more in-depth on the characters :

jade is basically herself and carly , there's not a lot of change.

perrie is very far from sam , she sometimes comes out as rude but that's only because she's hesitant.

louis is slightly insane like spencer , just less , and instead of doing art , he does music , primarily song writing .

michael is mostly himself , just a little bit geekier and without a crazy mum lol

*reece bibby voice* i hope ya like it

*realizes no one knows who reece bibby is*

well , expect a video of reece saying that phrase a bunch of times over in the future lol

peace , hugs , and hippy love

-julia xx

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do u see it ????? do u see those hands ??????????????????

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