Introduction : Episode One

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"You ready?" I ask.

"You ready?" Perrie asks, louder.

"You ready?" I yell.

"You ready?" She screams.

We both fall into a fit of laughter, heading to the room that Louis let us use to film in.

"You girls ready?" Michael asks, and we nod.

He hands us each a water bottle, and we gulp them down fast before tossing them back to him and standing in our beginning positions.

"Starting in 5... 4... 3..." Michael says, then showing 2 and 1 on his hands.

A red light turns on, and a rush of adrenaline comes over me.

"Hi, I'm Jade!" I grin.

"And I'm Perrie." Perrie practically yells in my ear.

"And this is iJerrie!" I say.

"Spelt like this: little i, big j, little e-r-r-i-e!" Perrie spells out.

"Today, we are going to introduce ourselves, and then we are going to talk about our-" I get cut off.

"Topic of the week!" Perrie screams.

"Which you will find out later in this video." I smile.

"Now, you get to learn more about us!" Perrie cheers.

"So, we're going to sit down on these chairs, and Michael here-" I tug Michael out from behind the camera, "our friend and camera man, is going to read out questions. One of us will answer while the other has water in their mouth, and whoever reaches 5 spit takes first looses!" I say.

"Let's go." Perrie says, and we sit down in the chairs.

I fill my mouth with water, and Michael grabs his cards and stands behind us.

"When and where was the last time you peed yourself?" Michael asks Perrie, and I already feel some water dribbling down my chin.

"Um, probably when I was 12 and I watched my first horror film, I think it was Annabelle? Dolls are super creepy, by the way. Anyways, I was watching it, and I was sitting on my mum's lap and holding onto her for dear life, and I peed on top of my mum." Perrie grins cheekily as I spit all my water over her, practically in hysterics.

"One point for Jade!" Michael cheers.

I continue to laugh, taking the towel and wiping my face with it as Perrie fills her mouth with the water.

"Okay, Jade. Your first question is:  what's the last thing you purchased?" Michael reads.

"I'm screwed." I laugh. "Can I call for Louis?" I ask.

"Go ahead." Michael says, and I get out of my chair, yelling down the hall for Louis.

"Okay, okay, I'm here. What's up chickadee?" Louis asks, entering the room.

"I need your help." I pout, going back to sitting down.

"With wh- oh, you're filming. Should I be in here right now?" He questions.

"Yes." Michael says. "This," he talks to the camera, gesturing over to Louis," is Jade's older brother, Louis. Louis, say hi to the internet."

"Hi!" He waves.

"And Jade called for you for assistance on this question, Lord knows why. What's the last thing you or Jade purchased?" Michael asks again.

Louis looks from Michael, to me, to Perrie, to me again, before we both burst out into laughter, causing Perrie to laugh to, spraying water into the kiddie pool in between our chairs.

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