Spying : Episode Two

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"Jade... Jade... Jade!" Louis yells, waking me up and I fall off my bed, bumping my head on my bed stand.

"Louis!" I yell, throwing the blankets off my head.

"Good, you're awake." Louis grins, ignoring my rage. "I made pancakes, come downstairs or else they're gonna get cold." He states, leaving the room.

I groan, getting up off the floor and looking in the mirror.

I shriek, diving for my brush because my hair is a mess.

Once I look somewhat presentable without getting fully ready, I head downstairs to go eat breakfast with Louis.

"Hey Jade." Michael greets, then continues stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Hey Mike." I say.

I give Louis a look that says 'why is Michael here?'

"Michael's mum had to go to work early so I invited him over to eat breakfast with us and then I'm going to take you two to school." Louis informs me.

I nod, grabbing some pancakes.

"You look cute Jade." Michael jokes, noticing my onesie.

"Shove it Clifford." I roll my eyes, taking a bite of my pancake.

Michael laughs, pulling out his phone and trying to sneakily take a picture of me.

"Michael if you send that to anyone I will not hesitate to murder you!" I yell, jumping on top of him and wrestling him for his phone.

I manage to grab it, but as soon as I click delete and it asks if you want to delete it, Michael plucks the phone out of my hands.

"Louis, help me!" I yell, continuing to reach for the phone, which Michael is currently holding above his head, which I obviously can't reach. Michael is a foot taller than me! Stupid Australians and their stupid tallness.

Well, the shortness does kinda run in the family too. Louis is short, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"Nope." Louis laughs.

"Rude." I pout, crossing my arms and giving up on deleting the picture of me.

"We're leaving in 15 minutes." Louis says, stabbing a piece of pancake with his fork casually.

"15 minutes!" I shriek, running upstairs and forgetting about my pancakes.


"Jade, where were you?" Perrie asks as I rush into school.

"I was running late." I say, unlocking my locker.

"Obviously." Perrie rolls her eyes. "The 5 minute bell already rang, you need to hurry up so we can make it in time for history."

I let out a scream, hurriedly throwing my books into my bag.

"Okay, let's go." I say, and we walk to our classroom, meeting Michael with his laptop in his hands along the way.

"You girls have to see the view count for the first episode! It's insane!" Michael says, practically shoving his laptop in our faces.

"5000 views? In one day?" I yell.

"Totally insane!" Michael yells back.

"Look at some of the comments!" Perrie yells.

We look at the comments, and some of them are suggesting what we should do for future videos.

"These are great ideas." Perrie comments.

"After school we should go to mine and look at the comments and plan what you guys are going to do for the next episode." Michael says, pulling hos laptop away from us.

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