The Phone Call

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Rebecca hasnt call me for the past three days. I am kind of worried by now. She hasnt begged for forgiveness.

Phone's ringing

(H - Harry)

(K - Kidnapper)


H- Hello, how'd you get my number?

K- Do you know Rebecca?

H- Yes, who are you?

K- Rebecca is here, kidnapped. Meet me at 7 o'clock tonight at the alley way by the London shopping centre to the left or else Rebecca may or may not survive

H-What do you want with her?

K-Nothing anymore. She was walking home, so i picked her up. Might of had a bit of fun with her the past few nights, if you get what i mean *wink*

H-You did what?

K-Why dont you ask her?


R-Harry help, please

Shit she sounded so weak

H-dont worry i am coming

K-Dont be late or else

Keys, Jacket and out the door. If i wasnt so selfish i could of drove her home, if i had my car or i should of walked her home and nothing would of happened to her. Why did i trick my self into not loving her? I have loved her since i first seen her.

Only one problem with getting there to Rebecca, Zayn has my car since i ran out on him about two weeks ago. I have not choice but to go there and save Rebecca the one i love.

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