Chapter 7

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By the time I got back to my room, I didn't want anyone to disturb me so I took off my coat, got into bed and went to sleep. I really didn't want to talk to anyone and if they tried to talk to me, I'd be even worse than I am now.. I just wanted to wake up and for all of this to be a dream. Instead, I had a really bad dream..


I felt like I was flying. Over clouds and sea for miles and miles. Then, I came to a town. It was quite small but quaint. I ended up flying over to a house, the windows opened and when I flew into them, I lay down on a bed. I looked around the room I was in and it was really familiar. After standing up, then going out of the room and walking around the house for a while, I realized where I was. I was in my own house..

Why did it take me so long to realize where I was?

It was strange. I knew it was my house but at the same time, it didn't feel like it really was my house. I decided to explore more than just my house so I went out the front door and started to walk down the street. After about ten minutes of walking, I noticed that there was no one around. I started to run, looking for people but there was no one. I then came around a corner to see everyone who I knew, lying in a pile on the ground, all of a sudden, I saw someone light a match and throw it onto the lifeless bodies lying on the ground. Within seconds, they all lit up in flames.

"Who's there?!" I yelled.

A masked figure came out of the shadows and faced me.

"Who are you?" I asked with no response. "Answer me!"

All of a sudden, the figure was in front of me within seconds and had me up against the wall.

"Who am I you say? I am your worst nightmare come true." The figure then started to take off the mask and I was shocked with the results.

"You're..." I couldn't get my words out.

"I am you." The mask revealed myself but I had a hollow mask covering my face.

What is that? It can't be me.. Can it?

End of dream

I woke up screaming. I sat up and got out of bed. I grabbed my coat and ran out of my room. I kept on running down corridors until I came to a door. I opened it and found myself outside. I looked up to the darkness of the sky and started to walk towards the end of the building. I started to cry but I wasn't sure why. When I wiped away the tears, I looked at my hand and realized that it wasn't water that was running down my face, it was blood.

"W-what's happening to me?" I asked myself. I was so shocked to what was happening, I didn't know what to do. I then heard someone gasping for breath. I turned around and saw Ulquiorra and Grimmjow standing in the doorway.

"You run quite fast." Grimmjow said.

"Grimmjow. Ulquiorra. Why are you here?" I asked.

"We heard screaming. I walked out of my room and saw you running down the corridor." Grimmjow leant against the doorway, facing away from me. I looked at Ulquiorra and his eyes widened.

"Amber. Your face.." Ulquiorra started to walk towards me.

"Don't come near me.." I blurted out and took a step back from him, getting more and more closer to the edge of the wall.

"Don't do something so stupid." Grimmjow blurted out. I looked at him grimly and he just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Amber, tell me what happened. Why did you scream?" Ulquiorra stood so calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"I-I had a dream. I was at my home, there was no one around so I went looking for them. I found all my close friends and family lying on the ground. They all looked dead. Then, someone set them on fire. When I asked who they were, they pinned me against the wall, took off their mask and it was..." I couldn't finish my sentence without feeling so scared.

"Who was it, Amber?" Ulquiorra asked but I couldn't reply. "Who was it?!" He then yelled at me.

"It was me.. But at the same time, it wasn't.. I can't explain it but it just scared the life out of me.." I held onto my arms and looked down. "You don't know what I've seen.. What I've had to experience.. And now this.. Why?... Why is it always me?.." I couldn't say another word, after that, I fell to the ground. I saw Ulquiorra come over to me and pick me up. I looked straight at him as he moved some of my hair away from my face. I started to cry more but with a lifeless expression on my face. "Why did it have to be me? I haven't done anything wrong and yet I still get all the crap. I just want it to end.. Everything would be better... Without me..." I then passed out. I always have bad things coming my way and this time, the bad things were going to get better. In their own way, obviously.

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