Chapter 19

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Ulquiorra's p.o.v.

I had been on a mission the day before and when ever I finish a mission, I always go back to my room to sleep for a while. I had just woken up so I decided to go and see if Amber was doing any better. I got up, walked out of my room and strolled down the corridor. I got to the clinic and when I opened the door, I was greeted with a pillow to my face. It fell to the floor and I heard Amber laughing at me.

"Ulquiorra!" I looked up to her and she had the biggest smile on her face. Then Grimmjow ruined it by hitting her in the face with a pillow and knocking her off the bed.

"Amber, are you feeling better?" I asked as I walked over to her bed.

"I'm fine." She laughed while sitting up.

"Good. You've got feathers in your hair." I pointed out while sitting by her bed.

"It's not my fault..." She stood up and started to pick the feathers out of her hair.

"Well technically, it is you're fault since you're the one who started it." Starrk said.

"Thank you!" Grimmjow yelled.

"I didn't say it to back you up. I was only stating the obvious." He smirked. Grimmjow and Amber both gave him a dirty look.

"If you're feeling well enough to have a pillow fight, you must be well enough to start your training again. You've only had a few sessions without much progress." I rested against my hand while looking at Amber.

"Yeah. You're right. Well, let me get changed and I'll meet you in the training room." She smiled at me and headed for the door.

"Actually, I'd prefer it if you didn't do any training for a while. You need to rebuild your strength after what happened." Starrk stopped her before she could leave the room. "I'm still not sure what happened to you and I'd like to do a few more tests too."

"But I'm feeling fine. What ever it was that came over me before, it's gone. I'm fine and I actually want to train. I feel like today is a good day to train." She looked quite upset when he said that.

"Come on Starrk. It's just for today." Grimmjow spoke out of the blue.

"Fine but once training is finished, come back here, ok Amber?" He seemed so concerned for her.

"Yeah." She smiled at him and then ran out of the room. It wasn't long after she left that the interrogation started.

"So, Ulquiorra." I looked over at Starrk who didn't look happy, like usual. "What was she saying before you put her to sleep?"

"She said Lord Aizen is going to hurt those who she cares about." I closed my eyes and rested my head back against the wall.

"And how did she figure that out?" He asked.

"She said she could see it in his eyes."

"So, she can see into people.." He didn't seem shocked by this.

"I think so but there are some things that put me off that thought." I said.

"Such as?"

"Well, some time last week, she had a bad dream and when I went to see her, she started to cry blood. That's not normal no matter what power she has. And the fact that when she met that quincy, she said that she heard a voice but she believed it was her zanpakto. It told her to kill him but she denied what it was telling her to do, then she passed out. I really don't know what's wrong with her entirely but we need to find out soon, and before anyone else does. Oh, don't tell Lord Aizen about this. We don't want him to know." I said while standing up and walking over to Starrk.

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