Chapter One

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 The sickening feeling of anxiety gripped at my stomach as I inched through the door amongst the throng of other students trying to get to their seats before the school bell rang. Everyday I dealt with it, the fear, the nerves, the running to the bathroom to throw up every time I had to give a presentation. It had gotten to the point where nearly everyone in the school knew I was 'that mental kid' who didn't fit in anywhere and could barely walk in a straight line.

I squeezed past one of the jocks, Jared I believed his name was and into my seat directly behind him. At first I had hated my seat, everyone had wanted to sit near the 'hottest guy in school'. I'd been teased and bullied by the jocks and cheerleaders for a while, but now they mostly ignored me unless they had some heartbreaking insult to throw my way. I had learned to ignore them most of the time as they never had anything important to say anyway.

The teacher started his long speech on electrons and protons and I stared at the blank sheet of lined paper sitting on the desk before me. It was supposed to be my literal note book, but it was mostly empty of notes and filled with feelings and depressing drawing and sketching that I whipped up instead of jotting down the notes I would need when finals finally came around.

"Aurelia?" Mr. Albus jerked me from my thoughts, sending waves of disquietude throughout my body.

"Yes?" I managed to push the single word through my suddenly parched lips and throat. What had I missed? Had he asked me a question? I fought back the waves of queasiness that coursed through my veins and to the pit of my stomach as I pushed the urge to vomit away the best I could.

"Is there a problem?" He asked, and for the first time I realized that it was just he and I in the room. Apparently class had ended and everyone had left without me realizing it. Heat coursed through my cheeks and I could tell that I was blushing from the mere warmth I felt in my head.

"No sir...I'm sorry." I replied, quickly gathering my empty notes and standing.

"Aurelia wait a moment please..." Mr. Albus said, and I stopped turning to face him. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked, "You've been spacing out in all of my classes and don't participate in any of the questions or activities..."

"I'm fine Mr. Albus...thank you for asking." I replied, trying to keep the fear I felt out of my eyes as I turned and fled the room before he had a chance to say anything more.

I had one more class to go to, and the apprehension that I felt about it was wearing me out. I pushed open the door to my last class to meet the eyes of everyone else already seated and, mostly, paying attention to the English lecture.

"I'm glad you would care to join us Miss. Henley." Mrs. Jakhoffson said, sending me a disapproving look as I took my seat in one of the middle rows.

"I'm sorry." I murmured quietly ignoring the glares and stares of nearly every other student in the class. It was the times like these that anyone would acknowledge me, otherwise I was pretty much invisible to the entire population or some odd reason.

Mrs. Jakhoffson droned on and on about where the English language came from and how it had evolved over the centuries. I tried to pay attention but my mind wandered and I started doodling on the edge of my textbook.

"Miss Henley what language did the English language derive from?" She asked me suddenly out of the view, and I suddenly realized that I hadn't been paying attention. This was a basic care knowledge fact that I should know, but didn't right off hand.

"I...I don't k-know." I managed barely above a whisper, once again every eye in the room was staring upon my downturned face.

"I expect you to pay more attention in class. Miss Striper, can you answer the question please?" Mrs. Jakhoffson said, turning to a pretty blonde sitting beside Jared.

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