Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


I laughed, rolling over onto my stomach as Melyssa fed me another bite of sandwich that we had brought on our picnic to the big grass fields above our town. "I can't believe you did that." I said, brushing my dark brown hair out of my face.

Melyssa scrunched up her nose and looked at me for a moment, her sparkling hazel eyes glinting in the sunlight. "What ever happened to ladies first?" She protested, popping the last bit of sandwich into her mouth.

"But I'm a growing man." I groaned, trying to come across as hungry and desperate as I could possibly muster. "We must eat."

"If you eat anymore you might as well be two grown men." She retorted, and I shut up. She could come up with some cruel comebacks, not that I didn't deserve it.

"I should be insulted..." I said. "But, you're right." I looked down jokingly at my stomach and patted it with a sarcastic grin on my face. I was nowhere near being fat, but I was tall and well built compared to most men who ended up looking like sticks, or settled for just being thin and not fit. I wasn't ripped, but I was fit.

Melyssa chuckled and grabbed my hand, standing up and pulling me after her. "Come on, I want to show you something." She tugged on my arm and I got up and followed her away from the picnic blanket and towards a path that led into the foliage and trees on the edge of the secluded field where we had chosen to spend our afternoon together.

"Where're we going?" I asked, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as we trekked up a trail that started to go uphill a ways.

"It's a secret." Melyssa said, glancing over her shoulder as me for a moment, her brown hair flowing as she did so.

We hiked for maybe half an hour, it wasn't an arduous climb but it made us work. The green trees and bushes on either side of the path started to fade away and I could hear the sound of rushing water as we rounded a bend in the foot trail and it opened up into a field with a river running through the middle of it.

"Woah." I said as I moved towards the river, and then realized that the field ended in a cliff that went down maybe fifty feet to another clearing below. "I didn't know we had a waterfall anywhere near us." I said, a smile spreading across my face.

This clearing was absolutely stunning, there were flowers and trees dotting the big green grass area. The river stemmed from a good sized lake, another waterfall falling from another cliff about half the size of the other one.

"You like it?" Melyssa asked, a hopeful look on her beautiful face.

"I love it." I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "How'd you find it?" I asked, wondering how long she had known about this place.

"My Father used to bring me here, we came all the time and spent many weekends up here. Just the two of us." She said, her eyes getting a far off look in them for a moment before she returned to the present time. "Come on, let's go swimming." She said, reaching for the bag she had had me carry all the way up here. "I packed your suit, already wearing mine." She said.

She gave me a flirtatious, teasing smile and pulled her tight v-neck shirt off of her beautiful little body and tossed it onto the ground beside the bag before wiggling out of her tight shorts and dumping them as well, leaving her in her waist high modest blue with white polka dots bikini.

"Get changed." She said, and walked towards the lake leaving me alone to change quickly.

I quickly stripped from my clothes and pulled on the boxers she had brought for me to wear before running after her. She was standing by the water and I swooped her up in my arms, ignoring the squeals of protest and went jumping into the lake, not letting her go till we had reached a place we could barely stand.

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