Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Aurelia, happy birthday to you." The sounds of my friends voices singing to me filled the air, and a feeling of happiness and belonging swelled in my chest.

"I can't believe you're finally thirteen!" My best friend, Casey Striper, said plopping down in a chair beside me and setting a piece of cake before me and one before her. "Eat, it's your favorite." She urged, not bothering to wait and digging into her own slice.

I grinned, an ear to ear smile and took a bite of my cake, finally a teenager! I'd counted down for months, probably even a couple years now, and it was finally here. "This is good." I said, swallowing the mouthful of chocolate cake with strawberry filling that Casey herself had made just for my party. "Thank you, so much."

Casey smiled and threw her arms around my neck, planting a friendly kiss on my cheek. "Love ya Aur." She said, using her nickname for me. She was the only one who ever called me that.

The night continued on and my guests started leaving, till just Casey and Jared were left.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" I asked, as I shut the door behind my last guest that was leaving, Casey and Jared were staying the night. My parents wouldn't care, and they hadn't shown their faces since half an hour before it had started, so I figured they wouldn't show till mid morning at least.

"Yeah, what do ya got?" Casey asked, plopping down in an arm chair, leaving the love couch for Jared and myself.


"And chill?" Jared asked with a smirk.

I returned the smirk. "You wish." I said, walking over to him and planting a teasing kiss on his lips.

Casey rolled her eyes. "You two are too perfect." She complained, grabbing the remote and flipping through the different movies we had to choose from.

I sat down on the couch beside Jared, snuggling against his side as Casey selected Groundhog Day. Some movie about a guy who has to repeat his day till he gets everything right.

Jared and I had been together for nearly four months now, and though we may be just middle schoolers, we thought we were all that. He had asked me to go to our first high school prom together next year, and the rest of the years after that. I thought we would stay together forever.


I was walking down the street, nearly skipping as it was the last day of school. The last day of being a middle schooler. Plus, I was going to turn fourteen in about a month. It had officially been one year and three months that Jared had asked me out, and we were still going strong.

The sky was filled with dark clouds that looked like they could explode at any moment, but that couldn't jinx my good mood. We had big plans for tonight, we were going to sneak out and go to a party, a high school party, since technically we were high schoolers now.

As I rounded the bend I ran right smack into someone's back. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, backpedaling a few steps to see who it was I had just run into.

The man standing before me looked to be about twenty four years of age. He had jet black hair and such light blue eyes, they looked to be silver. He was tall, maybe six foot three, and was incredibly strong. I could tell because of how much it hurt when I had ran into him, the way it hurt instead of feeling fleshy.

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