Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I thanked the nurse as she gave both Aurelia and myself pain meds and told us we were free to go. Where we were going to go, or even if Aurelia wanted to stay with me were still up in the air. I had no idea on anything about San Francisco, I didn't know where we would go or what we would do.

"You ready?" I asked as Aurelia limped out of the restroom, wearing the sweat pants and tight fitting t-shirt she had been given by some disaster relief program. I had been given a set of clothes and shoes as well.

Aurelia nodded, and I could see the questions and fear in her eyes as we made out way out of the bustling hospital.

"Where are we going to go? What are we going to do? We have no money, our phones are dead, we don't know anyone here!" Aurelia voiced the questions running through my mind the moment we were away from the crowd.

I shook my head, turning to face her. "I have no idea." I confessed, looking at her and trying to keep the uncertainty out of my own eyes. I didn't want to scare her anymore than she was already scared.

In all honesty I was worried she would for sure now kill herself, she had been unsteady before this disaster, and now she was in a strange city, in a strange state, facing probably the worst situation she had ever had to face.

"Actually...I might know someone..." I said, suddenly remembering my Aunt lived in San Francisco. "We need to find a payphone." I said and started down the street.

We didn't have to go far before we stumbled upon one, and after asking someone for a couple quarters I dialed the number, hoping it was the right one, and held by breath praying that she would answer.

"Hello?" The sweet sound of my Aunt's voice came through the phone, and relief flooded my heart.

"Aunt Heather it's Damon we-" I was cut off by her excited exclamation.

"Oh my gosh Damon! I was praying! I was so afraid you were dead." I could hear the emotion in her voice.

"I know, look I'm here with a friend in San Francisco, they flew us in from the islands...the whole bunch of islands were hit." I said, my voice cracking at the thought of how many lives were lost.

I heard the faint gasp as my Aunt took a moment to take in the news. I was sure she had been watching the news, but I was also sure that hearing it from the mouth of someone she knew and trusted for sure was something else.

"We need a place to stay, we don't have anything. Maybe a few bucks or a credit card but we don't have anything...could you come get us?" I asked, I knew she would agree without a doubt but I still couldn't help feeling a bit anxious as I waiting for her answer. Maybe it was still the nerves from the tragedy, I was still feeling on edge and nervous about the whole thing. Any loud sound sent me looking around, feeling like the wave was about to hit me at any moment.

The sound of sirens met my ears as I washed my hands. I often was up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and get a glass of water before settling in the other half of my night of sleep.

Panic filled my heart and I ran for the door, totally forgetting to grab my keys or phone or wallet. I lived in the city of Hilo, I knew Aurelia lived a little ways outside of the city and I prayed that she would be alright. If I had time I would go for her, but right now I knew I needed to get up high. But where?

The parking garage. There were a couple scattered throughout the city and I ran towards the nearest one. It was a matter of mere minutes before the first wave of the tsunami hit me like a wall of bricks. I had never heard of one coming so fast, or the alarms taking so long to go off. Weren't there monitors watching for tsunami's? What had happened? I pushed the thought aside as I struggled to reach the surface, gasping for air as I struggled to breath in the much needed oxygen.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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