Chapter 2

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Chapter Two


The continual beeping sound of something in the room stirred deep within the recesses of my mind. Something smelled sterile, nearly chemically...wait, where was I? I jolted upright in a panic, letting out a cry as something tugged on, no in my hand. Squinting to see through the dim lights in the room I could barely make out the IV in my hand. I was in a hospital?

"Hey hey, you're awake." A deep voice in the corner of the room made me jump again, wincing at the pain shooting through my arm. My eyes met the dark haired, blue eyed man that had rescued me from Josh, and saved me from falling to my death...though I was pretty sure given the choice I would still throw myself, willingly, off of the edge of the earth.

"What're you doing here? What am I doing here?" I asked, slowly moving my arm which I now realized was in a fabric sling.

"You passed out as I was walking you home last night...I thought it best to bring you here incase there were any injuries from your...accident." He replied, and I struggled to remember his name. Darren? Dan? Damon? That sounded right.

"My suicide." I said, trying not to snap at him. "There's no reason to avoid it.

"Attempt." Damon corrected me, and I felt the slightest bubble of anger boil within the depths of my stomach. That or I was starving, but I didn't want to eat, I didn't feel like eating.

I watched him for a moment before swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Oh no no no no." Damon protested, jumping up from his chair and grabbing my good shoulder and pushing me back down onto the bed as I tried to get up. "You have to stay here until the doctor says you may go."

"What did you tell them?" I asked, suddenly wondering if they were keeping me here because they were afraid I'd try and go kill myself again. Which they weren't totally off.

"The truth."

Anger, hurt, and confusion boiled within me. I couldn't think straight, and right now I felt like I had just been betrayed. "And what did they say? That I'm depressed? That I should be under a suicide watch? That I am mentally sick?" I said, nearly yelling at him. "That's nothing I don't know, they can't keep me here against my will." I said, pulling the IV from my hand and grabbing my clothes off of the chair beside the bed.

"Turn around, I'm changing." I said, going around to the other side of the bed and changing as soon as his back was turned.

I grabbed my bag off of the floor and slipped into the heels I'd been wearing before storming out the door and down the hallway, ignoring the protests of the nurses in the hallway.

"Send me the bill." I said, figuring that they had checked my ID when I was admitted and could easily figure out where I live.

"Aurelia, wait." I heard Damon behind me jogging down the hallway in pursuit. "You can't go...not alone you're not-"

"Stable? You don't even know me, you know nothing about my life, you don't know who I am, you don't know what I've been through. Hell you met me last night!" I shouted at him as soon as we were outside. I couldn't believe he had the gall to talk to me like this, like he knew everything about me. "Just leave me alone." I said, and turned down the sidewalk walking as fast as I could in the shoes I was wearing.

And to my relief, he didn't follow.

It took me about an hour to walk back from the hospital to my house. As normal, I found it empty and a note sitting on the counter, except it didn't say what I expected it to say this time.

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