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"Okay, open your eyes," he said, and I could hear the excitement coating his voice. I slowly opened my eyes, letting them take a moment to adjust before focusing. I didn't see what I had expected, which was either an expensive restaurant I shouldn't be at, or a field in which he would murder me and dump my body.

No, I found myself staring at a grocery store. I wasn't disappointed it wasn't a fancy restaurant, but I was confused.

"Uh, w-"

"Just wait, and don't ask questions," he said before holding up a finger and jumping out of the car, closing the door and then running to my side and opening the door.

"Alright," I said skeptically, stepping out.

"Hey, I'm not going to murder you or something," he said with a chuckle. "Just trust me, okay?" The words made me sick. I've had trust issues since the last time I heard those words from the asshole that said them. Even so, I nodded slowly before he smiled and took my hand again, interlocking our fingers before hauling me into the store. I felt a rush of cold that send shivers through me and covered my skin in goosebumps before we entered the store, Phil dragging me off to the "party" section.

He stopped in front of a display of balloons, studying each one before secretly telling the assistant what he wanted. The guy nodded before turning and blowing up Phil's requested balloons. When he was done I saw what they were- a blue one with a giraffe that said "Happy 1st Birthday!," a rainbow one that said, "Happy Birthday," in a fancy italic font, and an Elmo one that said "Happy 7th Birthday." I laughed at his choices before took the balloons and looked at me.

"Hey, this is your birthday whether you like it or not, so you better except what I plan." He had a smirk painted in his perfect face and all I did was nod before he continued to a different isle in the "party" section. Here he handed me the balloons and picked up a couple simple yet sparkly silver party hats, bringing me to another section of the store.

"Okay, what kind of cake should we get..." I wasn't sure if he was talking to me or himself, so I remained silent. "Well?" He said after I hadn't answered.

"Oh, u-um, I'm not really a cake person..." I said. I couldn't eat anything, much less cake.

"Oh. Well, what do you want?" He turned away from the displays of cake, which just looking at made me sick, and looked at me. I looked down, feeling uncomfortable with his eyes fixed on me. "Hey, are you okay?" he said, stepping closer and putting his hand on my shoulder. The excitement in his voice had dropped and was replaced with concern and care.

"C-can we j-just..." I trailed off, not knowing exactly what I wanted or what to say.

"Hey," he started, carefully lifting my head up. His face fell when he saw my eyes watering. God I'm so pathetic. "Hey, hey don't cry, what's wrong? I don't want you crying, especially not on your birthday." I shook my head, wiping the forming tears from my eyes. "Was I pushing you? Do you want to go?" He said, seeming more concerned.

"N-no, no, you didn't do anything. I j-just, I don't know..."

"Hey, it's okay. Do you want to sit down?" I nodded and let him lead me to a bench, where we sat down in silence for a moment. After a bit of time to compose myself, I finally spoke.

"H-hey, Phil?"

"Yeah?" He said, immediately withdrawing his attention from his phone.

"Um, what else did you have planned?" He smiled before taking my hand and pulling me off the bench. "Well, I need to pay for these, and then we can have a party." He said as he took me to a self scanning register. After he payed for the items we headed to his car, where he again opened my door and shut it after I entered.

"So, Daniel," Phil started moments after we pulled out of the parking lot, "what was your favourite part of birthdays as a kid?" I had to think for a minute, as I couldn't remember much from when I was a kid. It had all been clouded over by newer memories of my mom hitting my everyday and my father leaving after seeing me with- oh. I couldn't stop thinking about him, with his intimidating yet captivating electric blue eyes, and his lips, god his lips. How they were almost always on my mouth or cheek or neck...

"Dan?" Phil said, interrupting my thoughts. "You okay? You seemed to zone out."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Lost in thought I guess..." I said, looking down.

"No worries. Do you have an answer though?"

"Oh, um," I thought a moment more before answering. "Probably the morning, when my mum would always come into my room and wake me, and my dad would bring me breakfast." I said, smiling a bit at the memory, but cringing knowing how much it had changed.

"Sounds nice. But, as it's not morning and I am not your mum, what else?" He said with a bit of a chuckle.

"Um, sometimes she would let me skip school."

"We've already been to school." I was running out of birthday activities.

"Um, I'm not sure, we never did too much for my birthday. After my parents stopped throwing me parties, I always had a b-friend to celebrate with," I said, trailing off at the end. A while after my parents stopped throwing parties, I had my boyfriend to celebrate with. It was only for two years, but for each birthday he would skip school with me and bring me to his house while no one was home and we would bake a cake together. Vanilla with strawberry icing, rainbow sprinkles, and candy letters that said "Happy Birthday." It was pretty simple, but nonetheless amazing. Especially the second, and last, birthday I had with him. After eating the cake and watching a movie, he brought me into his room. We laid down for a minute, just talking, before we were kissing. We were kissing and kissing and one thing led to another, and it turned into birthday sex. But it wasn't amazing and loving like I had hoped or thought my first time would be. It was rough and hot, and the tipping point for when things started to get bad.

"Well, I guess we'll have to start our own tradition then, huh?" He said as we pulled into his driveway. I just nodded as he ran to my side of the car and opened the door. I swung my leg outside, which I must have done too quickly, as my head spun a bit. I brushed it off as I hopped down, only to fall to the ground. I didn't hear what Phil said before my blurry vision turned pitch black and the sharp pain in my head turned into nothing. 

Yaay, Hi! Sooo what do you think? I haven't got anything to say, so, tell me about you. tell me about your day, your dreams, your aspirations, what you aspire to be. I hope you are doing PHANtastic (I can only make that joke once). But seriously, I hope you are well. I hope you aren't ill, and if you are I hope you get better soon. All good things and happy thoughts, and if not, do whatever you can and need to to get there. Look at pictures of cute kittens or dogs all day, or cute pictures of lizards. Talk to someone- anyone- about anything and everything. The world is your oyster, and you are the beautiful pear inside (did that sound poetic/make sense?) So have a wonderful day and night, I hope you are well, thank you and goodbye! <3 ^-^

For Phil {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now