Chapter 3

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"I missed you."
"I missed you, too."

As Bianca and I walked home hand in hand, I focused on trying to get back to the way things were between us. We went to Starbucks and I got her Caramel Frappe (her favorite) like I used to always do and I got the lady at the counter to put Romeo and Juliet ((her favorite movie/play/story/everything ever) yes, I know, how original and not cheesy at all, definitely does not make you want to cringe) on the cups. I'd always do that for her without any problem, but for some reason, this time it just felt strange.

We passed by Dairy Queen as we continued to walk home and I couldn't help but think of Charlotte for the fifth time during the span of our entire twenty-minute date so far (I know, I'm a horrible person.)

I recalled a time Charlotte and I decided to go to Dairy Queen after a mission. We had just captured the phone shark, and Charlotte was just hired by Captain Man. We were stoked.

"I can't believe you just shattered his jar," I said.

"It was simple!" She exclaimed. "I can't believe that's all it took for me to get hired!"

"Yeah, it was totally just that, and not the fact that you're the reason the phone shark is finally in jail and definitely not the fact that you're literally the smartest person I know. Totally." She laughed.

"I know, I know, I'm great. What would you guys do without me?" she joked.

"Can I get two chocolate fudge sundaes please?" I asked the cashier as I pulled out my wallet.

"What are you doing with your wallet?" Charlotte asked while reaching for hers.

"Uh, paying?"
"I'm paying."
"No, I am."
"Henry, I owe you for getting me this job."
"And I owe you for catching the phone shark for me."
"And I owe you for making you lose your job in the first place!"
"Well too bad, I'm already-"

Charlotte shoved me away from the counter and handed the lady the money.

"Don't forget I'm a strong independent black woman living in the shadows of America, Henry Hart."

"My bad."

The lady laughed at our apparently amusing banter while handing us our sundaes.

"Thank you!" We said to her in unison.

"You guys make a great couple, by the way."

Charlotte and I turned to stare at each other before telling her we weren't and how we're just friends and ew that'd be disgusting.

Now thinking about it, would it really be that bad?

"Henry, are you listening to me?"

"Oh, yeah," I responded. I think I just reached a new level of asshole by thinking of a different girl while on a date with my girlfriend.

Suddenly, my watch beeped.

Saved by the bell. Or, watch.

"Sorry, babe," I said to Bianca. "I'm getting called to work. I have to go, I'll call you later?" She looked upset but nodded her head. I felt my heart sink.

"Okay," she sighed. "Bye, Henry." I kissed her cheek sweetly, then took off to Junk N' Stuff.

I've been neglecting my sweet girlfriend because of false feelings for Charlotte. My relationship is falling apart because of Charlotte. I can't focus on anything in school or at work because of Charlotte.

Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte.

It all comes down to Charlotte.
"Henry, what the hell?!" Ray yelled as we got out of the tubes. "You barely helped me on that mission! You nearly let them get away! What's the matter with you?!"

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