Chapter 4

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"Henry, are you listening?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm listening, babe." Not really.

Bianca was telling me the latest gossip between some guy cheating on her friend while I was at my locker putting my books away. She groaned.

"No, you're not!" She exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

It's been three days since the fight with Charlotte. I've spent the whole entire weekend with Bianca, and all we've done is go to Starbucks while she rambled on and on to me about drama at school.

On any other weekend before the fight, I would've been at home playing video games with Charlotte, or watching a movie with Charlotte, or just something ten times more fun than what I've been doing the past three days.

With Charlotte.

Not that I was having regrets, or anything.

Just then, Charlotte and Jasper walked by, talking and laughing about something probably way more entertaining than this. I frowned. I didn't know losing Charlotte meant losing Jasper, too.

Still, I grabbed Bianca's hand and kissed her right when they passed by us.

"What was that for?" Bianca asked confused. I looked to see if they were still watching.

"Uh," I started. "Did I tell you how pretty you look today?" She smiled, flipping her hair. She took my hand and we started walking to our next class.

I kept ignoring the nagging voice in my head telling me to talk to Charlotte, and the weight on my heart dragging me down each time I passed by her. Because I don't miss her. I don't regret anything.

Oh, who am I kidding?
I miss her a lot.


"Did you see that?" Jasper asked.

"See what?"
"He was totally just trying to make you jealous!"
"Oh," I said while opening my locker. "That."

Of course I saw. When the guy you like supposedly hates your guts, as much as you might pretend not to notice, you do.
You notice everything.

I noticed his dark circles back under his eyes (which, might I add, went away because of me, just saying). I noticed the far away look in his eyes that gave away he definitely was not listening to his girlfriend. I noticed how he ran his hand through his hair way more than usual, which he only does when he's really stressed.

Yeah, I noticed. It's not like I cared.

"Are you sure he even really noticed we were there?" I asked him. "Seems like he was pretty caught up in being attached to his girlfriend by the hip." Jasper rolled his eyes and gagged. I laughed.

"We gotta get him back in his right mind, Char!" He said. "We need to talk to him, slap him upside the head, something!"

"As much as I would love to slap Henry upside the head," I started, shutting my locker. "I'm not saying a word to Henry. He said what he had to say, and so did I. I'm right, he's wrong. Until he sees that, nothing I say or do will change that."

"Fine," Jasper said, crossing his arms. "I'm going to talk to him after school. He may have gotten into a fight with you, but I am not losing my two best friends to this!" And with that, he was off.

"Good luck!" I yelled after him.

He'll need it.


Chapter 4! Sorry it's short. This was more of a build-up to the next chapter. Thanks for reading! :)

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