Chapter 5

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As Bianca and I walked home from school, I was seriously contemplating if I did the right thing or not.

Sure, it felt good in the moment. But I was mad and stressed and there was all this built-up tension inside of me, that I just lashed out on the one person who's been there for me through everything I ever needed.

But it wasn't just that.

"Bianca, I think we should talk," I said while turning to my girlfriend.

"What's up, babe?" she asked.

Running a hand through my hair, I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you noticed me not talking to Charlotte lately," I said.

"Yeah, I did," she replied. "Why?"

"We got into a fight," I answered. "I blamed her for everything even though none of it was her fault."

"And," I continued slowly. "Part of it was because... I was conflicted."

"About what?"

"My feelings. For you. And Charlotte." Bianca's face fell.

"Bianca," I started. "These past few months have been great. Our relationship was great, school was, well, okay, but everything else was great." Bianca looked down, probably aware of where this was heading. "And you still are the same amazing, stunning, beautiful girl you were when I first met you." She smiled.

"But my feelings- they- they changed, I guess." I struggled to find the words, as this was also the first time I actually started admitting this to myself.

"And I realized I have feelings for Charlotte." She sighed.

"I'm really sorry, Bianca, but I can't go on like this while I'm just lying to myself and to you," I apologized. "And I can't lose my best friend."

"And you deserve way better than me," I said gently, holding her hand. "And I promise, someone as wonderful as you will find way better than me in a heartbeat." She smiled.

"It's okay, Henry," she finally spoke. "I understand. It has been pretty weird between us lately. I guess I should've realized something was wrong." There was a sad smile on my face. She was being so understanding, I felt bad.

"Anyway, go on," Bianca said sweetly. "Go get the girl." I smiled and kissed her cheek before I took off home.


I opened the front door to my house to reveal an out-of-breath Jasper.

"Jasper!" I exclaimed, happy to see my best friend. "Did you just run here?" Jasper held one finger up signaling me to wait as he panted, trying to catch his breath.

"We- need- to- talk-" Jasper said.

"I know, I know," I admitted. "I screwed up."

"You're admitting it?" Jasper asked, finally catching his breath.

"Well, yeah, wasn't it obvious? I was being the biggest jerk ever and I didn't even apologize," I said while stepping back to let Jasper in. I shut the door as Jasper collapsed onto the couch.

"So, you know you're wrong, but you didn't apologize?" Jasper asked. "And you're still dating Bianca?"

"I just broke up with Bianca."



"Finally!" Jasper exclaimed happily. "I mean, uh, why? I thought you liked Bianca."

"I did," I explained. "But feelings change. And I realized... I have feelings for Charlotte."

"YES!" Jasper screamed and jumped up from the couch. I backed up in surprise.

"You want your two best friends together?" I asked confusedly.

"Of course!" Jasper exasperated. "Always have and always will." I laughed.

"But I don't think she's going to want to talk to you anytime soon," Jasper said. "You really hurt her, Henry. She had just admitted to you what you just did to me and basically had the door shut right in her face." I felt a pang in my chest, recalling the events of that night.

"Aw, man," I realized. "She's never going to forgive me! What am I supposed to do?"


Just then, my watch beeped, interrupting Jasper.

"Uh, I- I have to get to uh, work," I stuttered, heading for the door.

"But Henry, what are you gonna do about-"

"Love you, Jasp!" And I shut the door.

I'm gonna fix this.


Hooray! Henry's finally fixing his mistakes. xD Thanks for reading! Updating soon :)

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