Chapter 8

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(this happens a month after the date. Just so you know)

Luna's P.O.V.

I wake up because i heard a knock on my door. And not the quiet one. He or she just kept knocking. I'm pissed now.

I walk downstairs and open the door. "What do you~ Aaron?" i say confused. "Hey Lu. I was thinking, maybe we can go do something. You know, like brother-sister stuff" he says.

"Sure, come in i'm going to get dressed" i say remembering i was in my pj's. I rush upstairs and walk to my room.

I walk to my closet and choose...

I walk to my closet and choose

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(This is the outfit)

I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth and do my make up. Then i put my hair in a ponytail and walk downstairs.

"I'm ready" i chirp. "So where do you wanna go?" he asks. "To the mall! There is this new store and i need to see" i say. "Okay. Let's go" he says. "Yay!" I yay (xD) . We walk outside and i lock the door.

~time skip brought to you by Sprinkles xD~

We arive at the mall and i run inside, looking around. "So what ya wanna do first?" Aaron asks. With perfect timing i may add. Because just then my stomach begins to be grumpy. "Up to food court" i yell laughing.

We walk to the food court and go to one of the restaurants. We ordered and i got a call. "Who is it?" Aaron asks. "It's Unknown" i answer. I pick up the phone and say 'Hello'. "Am i speaking with Mrs. Luna FalconClaw?" the person on the phone asks. "Yes that's me" i answer slowly. "Great! I have amazing news for you. We want you to come to the studio tomorow" he says. I. Am. Shocked. Is this real? I'm not dreaming right? "Miss?" he says. "Really that's amazing! Then i'll be there tomorow!" i hang up and look at Aaron.

He looks confused. "What was all of the about?" he asks. I slap my face. "I'm pregnant, can't you see?" i say sarcastically, waiting for his responds.

"WHAT?!" he says. I think they heard him in China. And now i'm laughing my butt off. "Hahaha. I was joking. The Studio called. They want me to come tomorrow" i tell excited. "Really? Thats amazing" he asnwers. I nod.

~time skip by Sprinkles~

We walk to the car. We got so much stuff! Yay. It was getting dark anyway so we had to go. It was an amazing day.

So there you have it a new chappy. I hope you like it and don't be a quiet reader. Tell me what you thought. Cya! Daimond, out!

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