chapter 9

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Luna's p.o.v.

I wake up with my phone buzzing next to me on my nightstand. I pick it up and see that it's almost time to go to the studio. I rush to the bathroom and take a shower. After I showered, I go to my room and get dressed. Then I go back to my bathroom to brush my teeth, brush my hair and put in my contact lenses. I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen to quickly make toast.

After the toast is done, I grab my car keys and go outside, locking the door behind me. I sit in my car and start driving.

While driving I turn up the radio and hum along with the songs. "Scars to your beautifull, we're stars and we're beautifull..."...

When I arrive and walk to the door of the building, someone comes rushing to me. "Miss Luna Falconclaw?" he asks. I nod, reaching out my hand for him to shake. "I'm mr. Smith's assistant, call me Bill" he tells me. "Nice to meet you Bill" I respond. He walks inside and I follow him. "I'll bring you to the studio where mr. Smith is" he says, as he walks to the elevator. I silently follow him.

After walking around for a while we stop at a door. "This is it" Bill opens the door and steps aside so I can walk in. I walk trough the door and look at the room I just entered. It is a red room with some chairs, a small table, a mini fridge and all the music stuff of course. On one of the chairs sits a man, mr. Smith. I walk towards him, reaching out my hand. "Hello mr. Smith. I'm Luna Falconclaw" I tell. He stays silent, looking at my hand and back up at me. I slowely pull back my hand, getting the feeling he's not gonna shake it.

"Sit" he suddenly says. I do as he says and sit down on one of the chairs. "You're quite talented, I heard" he starts the conversation. "How long do you sing already?" he asks me. I think. "I think I started singing when I was three, sir" I answer his question. From here on he starts to ask me other questions...

A few hours has passed and my meeting with mr. Smith is over. "You'll hear from me" he tells me. Bill motions for me to get out of the room and so I do. As we walk to the front of the building, Bill starts talking. "So, how did it go?" he asks. I shrug. "I think it went well, but who knows. I answer. The rest of our walk to the front, there was a silence...

I am in my car in front of the gym. It's a perfect day to come here. After a few minutes of sitting in my car,  i grab my bag from the passengers side and get out of the car. I walk into the building and look around to find her. "She didn't forget, did she?" I mutter. "Forget what?" a voice that comes from besides me asks. I turn to look at the person who spoke seeing it is her. "Stella Moon, you are late" I joke. She raises an eyebrow. "Me, late? You just arrived yourself, Lu!" she laughs. This is the black haired, purple eyed person I missed. I start laughing with her. "I missed you" I tell her. She stops laughing and looks at me with a straight face. "You missed me? Why would you miss me...?" she starts. I remain silent. "I thought you loved me!" she jokes. I sigh in relief. We have a lot of catching up to do...

After hours of training in the gym we get to my car. We throw our bags in the back and get in ourselfs. I start to car and start our drive home. Suddenly i get a phone call. I grab my phone and see it's Melissa. I quickly look at Stella and answer the call. "Hello?" I say. "Luna, it's important. It's about Aaron!" she tells me. "Mel, what happened to Aaron?" I ask quickly. Stella looks at me worriedly. "Come to the hospital, I'll explain it there" the voice trough the phone says. With that Melissa ends the phone call. "What's wrong?" Stella asks. I turn the car and drive to the hospital. "I don't know, but we'll find out soon, in the hospital" I answer...

Here it is! Chapter 9! And the first OC! What do you think is wrong with Aaron? Cya! Daimond, out!

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