Chapter 11

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The tension in the room is enormous. My eyes are filled with rage. Suddenly, a smile appears on my mother's face. "He is in stable condition", multiple sighs of relief can be heard from next to me, and the loudest one from me myself. "Can we see him?" Melissa's voice is quiet, as if expecting something to happen any moment. Father nods lightly. "Yes, but he is still asleep, so be quiet". Me and my sister run over to his room, I assume Stella didn't come along to give us some privacy. I swiftly open the door without producing any noise. The sight is absolutely horrible. He is hooked up to so many machines that I can't even count how many there are. I look over to my sister, she looks even more horrified than I am. She slowly starts moving towards him with a doddery breath. She just stands there not doing anything but look at him. I feel bad for her. She's known him longer than me. They spend some years together without me. 

I feel a boiling feeling in my chest. One that I have felt only once before in my life. This terrifying, powerful feeling that makes my rage only worse. I take one more look at my brother and run out of the room. I run, and run, and run, and RUN. Passed my family. Passed anyone who's looking at my weirdly. I don't bother with them. They are not important. They are not in existence as of this moment. They don't matter to me. All I have to do is run. Run to the crime scene. Run to the one who hurt my brother. Run to HUNT.

I arrive at the place where they found Aaron and look around. I don't see a soul there. I take a good sniff of the place. There have been people here recently. But not recent enough. "You Lycan's are stubborn like hell, can't you guys take a hint?" The voice was deep and smooth like butter. I turn around to have the barrel of a gun in between my eyes. When did he get this close? Wait. I know this man. This is the production manager I was supposed to meet. "You- You did this?! How dare you?" I fall to the ground. Two people are holding me down by my arms. "Your brother wasn't minding his own business. He could've come out of here unharmed, but he made his choice..." The tall, dark man looks me in the eyes. His eyes have been drained from any color. All that is visible is the white and the black parts of it. "But I have to admit, he isn't the only stupid one in the family, because you fell right for my trap". My eyes widen. What does he mean with trap? I try to open my mouth, but he stops me. "You didn't think I'd actually want a talentless brat like you under my name? HA! Give me a break. I just wanted you for your rare powers. You are one of a kind. Your family doesn't seem to understand that, they locked you away and tried to keep them hidden. They made massive mistakes". I finally get a word in between. "Insulting me is one thing, but my family". My eyes start glowing and the men that were holding me down swiftly got back on their feet and ran away. I pushed myself up on my own and kept on looking the man in the eyes. "You just made the biggest mistake of your life" my voice is slow and steady. The rest of my body starts to match my eyes in a blue glow. Yet the man doesn't give off any signs of fear.

I feel the power coursing through my body. It feels lava running through my veins. "Yes, let all your anger out, feel the rage filling your body with the desire to kill. Because you know, in this world it is kill, or be killed". His words make my rage unbearable and I charge at him. Claws grow out of my hands in matter of seconds and I make a swing at him. The dark man steps aside and I miss by just a few inches. "Your fighting could use some extra assistance, but we will work on that". I growl and fling another attack at him. He dodges it again. This goes on for a while. I try to claw my way through his skin, he dodges with ease. "STaNd sTilL WiLL yOu!" Out of nowhere I feel something hard hitting the back of my head and everything goes dark...

Guess who's back again, my friends? No, it is not Barack Obama. No, it isn't Freddie Mercury either. Yep, it is me, Daimond. I realize I have been on a very long hiatus, but I am back and ready to start writing again. So here you have a whole new chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next! Ciao! Daimond, out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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