Chapter 2

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Sorry for not updating in so long I've been sick lately an piled with hw, tests quizzes an just a lot. Ill be updating earlier than this. I'm starting to pre-wright chapters so their ready to be updated every Saturday. Ill update again tomorrow as a present D: God I feel so guilty e.o forgive me?



I don't know why, but I couldn't leave the territory. My wolf was in control. I tried and tried to force my body into a run, but my wolf was not having it. I was beating on the inside screaming to be let out. They were going to smell us on their territory and come.

~Alpha Mason~

My wolf was close to the surface. Jumping up and down like an excited puppy. I just didn't understand. Pulling up to Alpha Chad's pack house I wondered what the other problem was that he mentioned. I got out and made my way to his office. I knocked.

"Come in." Without further hesitation I stepped in and took a seat.

"So why is that you called me down here?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "The Shadow."

I growled. "What about that savage?" Not one pack in the United States liked that rogue.

"They saved me and my mates life today and lives of all our women and children of this pack." To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"That's impossible. This is The Shadow were talking about. The lone wolf that goes around killing pack members for blood.

Alpha Chad sighed loudly. "We don't understand it either but its true." Suddenly he stiffened. "Someone's still on the territory." Leaping up I followed after him. Changing into our wolves in air we sprinted to the North end of the territory.

I smelt the most intoxicating smell, vanilla and lavender. My wolf perked up and we sped up faster towards the heavenly smell. Repeatedly inhaling it, I couldn't get enough.

I halted at the sight in front of me. The most beautiful wolf was just lying there in the sun by a glistening lake. The she wolf was huge, with pure midnight black fur. I wanted to run my fingers through the fur, to feel its softness.

I took a eager step forward. My paw crunched on a twig making it snap. Faster than I ever seen anyone move the she wolf snapped up growling loudly. I felt the power wash over me, imploring me to submit to her.

I held my ground, I'm an Alpha for crying out loud, I don't submit. It wasn't until I stared into her eyes did the realization hit me. Mate. Mate. Mate. Red eyes gleamed back at me. Wait red! Oh shit.

The Shadow is my mate. I heard Alpha Chad growling next to me, making me jump a little. I was so preoccupied on my mate. My mate rushed towards me and leaped on me. She licked my snout. She licked me! I felt her chest vibrate as she growled at Alpha Chad in warning. She thought he was a threat.

Then she snuggled into me. Snout snuggled up to my neck, inhaling my sent before I felt her drift off to sleep. I looked up at Alpha Chad. He changed back, not caring about his nudeness.

"Is she your mate," He half whispered. I nodded my head slowly.

"We need to tranquilize her you know." I growled lightly. He exhaled a breath, "For safety precautions please."

I just slowly nodded my head again.



I felt so calm for once. The quietness pacified me. All my previous adrenaline leaving my body. I heard a twig crack. I snapped up in furry, and growled. I was finally peaceful for once not full of hate. I saw two wolves in front of me. One was a golden blonde and the other...the other was a silver sheen. Me and his eyes locked.

My wolf purred. Mate. Mate. Mate. The other wolf was growling at me, making my mate jump. Must protect mate. Threat. Threat. I raced to my mate an leaped on them. Shielding my mate with my body and growled at the offender.

I snapped my jaws at the golden wolf. Then snuggling up to my mate I inhaled his intoxicating scent and drifted off into peacefulness.

I woke up to a sharp pain in the scruff of my neck. I felt my eyes shift away from my wolfs control. I heard a loud voice yelling. I stood up growling, I was so dizzy. I didn't know what was going on. I collapsed to the ground not being able to hold myself up any longer.

I felt a kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry baby." The darkness encompassed me.

My eyes fluttered open as I blinked awake. Blinding light burned my eyes. I sat up and glanced around. I was in a room, dark hardwood floors and a massive bay window. Bluish gray walls with white crown molding around the perimeter of the room. Beautiful.

The pillow and sheets smelled amazing. This is my mates room. I remembered the pain in my neck, I froze. They injected me with something.

I felt utterly betrayed. My mate the one I was suppose to trust did this to me. I wanted to destroy. Reaching inside me I searched for the pool of anger that would rise up to consume me, only to no avail. I couldn't feel my wolf, hell I couldn't even shift.

Jumping up and racing to the bathroom I glanced in the mirror. Silky black hair cascaded around me, but what surprised me the most was my eyes. It was strange, my wolf had been in the driver seat so long I was used to the familiar red sheen. Now it was back to my original dark purple.

I was pissed. I felt so vulnerable at that moment, tears were welling up in my eyes. I hated feeling so weak. I hated it. Angrily wiping them away I rushed back to the room, no longer wanted to see the broken girl that was reflected back in the mirror.

I was strong and independent. I didn't need anyone and I loved making people in pain so they feel mine. No one wants me. My mother didn't and my mate doesn't. He made that pretty clear the second he betrayed me. I'm just a waste of air and room. I'm neglected.

Being able to shift or not I started on my rampage. Ripping out drawers and clothes from the closets, I tore them up with my bare hands and teeth. Furniture smashed to pieces and draped torn across the floor.

When my art work was done I hopped onto the untouched bed and snuggled under the covers. A slight smirk made its way on to my lips as my eyes drooped.



My wolf wouldn't stop bugging me to go see our beautiful mate. He was already so whipped, but I cant get over the fact of what she has done in the past and who she is for that matter.

I already felt the mate bond. It was drawling me to her, pulling me into the direction where the only person in the world who was made for me was. Standing outside of my bedroom door I silently urged myself to walk away but my body refused.

Slowly turning the knob I opened the door. completely unprepared for the sight in front of me. Eyes widened as I assessed the havoc in front of me. My room was trashed. My eyes immediately trained on my peaceful mate sleeping. She looked so innocent. Raven black hair displayed across a pillow and mouth pulled into a smirk.

I groaned. She doesn't even know what she's doing to be and she's asleep. How she destroyed my room so badly without being to shift was impressive. She's feisty alright.

Shaking my head I thought back to the image of when a pack warrior injected wolf bane into her. The look she gave me, I shuddered. It was broken an enraged at the same time.

It made me think. What happened to my mate to make her like this? I plan on finding out too. Prepare my little mate because I'm onto you and I wont stop until the truth comes out.

Is the changing povs so often annoying?  just wondering

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