Chapter 4

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Connor's pov

When we finish our last song I went to the kitchen to grab some food and something to drink as I felt my phone vibrating. I took it and saw I've got a text.

From B(rad): don't worry man, you just have to learn to know him. Everything will be fine, just give it time.

I was surprised he even text me back but he has no idea how bad this kid is.

To B(rad): 'just play your bass Connor and shut your mouth, I only want James to do the backup vocals' is what he said. Please Brad come back!

I replayd him and didn't had to wait long for him to answer me.

From B(rad): meet me at the park in 10..

To B(rad): I'll be there!

I went back to the others to saw they were laughing and joking around. How can they like Jack. He is so mean!

"I gotta go." I told them.

"But we aren't finished yet." Jack said.

"I am!" I told him and just left them. I felt bad for James and Tristan but I had no choice. I had to meet up with Brad.

As I arrived I saw Brad waiting for me. I walked up to him and pulled him in a hug.

"I missed you man." I told him.

"What's going on with that new kid?" Brad asks me.

"He hates me." I said. "He can't stand me."

After a good talk with Brad I finally went home. I laid down on the couch and turn on the tv and start watching my favorite tv show. Not much later there was loud banging on the door. I got up and opened the door to see James, Tristan and an angry Jack.

"Come in." I said unsure about this and let them all in. "What brings you all here?"

"So you think you can leave before we were even ready to meet up with Brad?" Jack asks. You could see how angry he was. If this was a cartoon you could already see the smoke coming outside his ears.

"It was important." I told him.

"So Brad is more important then the band?" He asks me.

"You have to forget about Brad." James said.

"Like you already forgot about him?" I ask him. "Few days before Jack joined, Tristan was still hanging out with him."

"But it's over now." Tristan said.

"Connor if you don't forget about him we'll kick you out the band." Jack said. All tree of us were surprised by his answer.

"You just came in the band." I told him. "You can't do that."

"If you kick Con out the band." Tristan added. "We kick you out." Yes! It felt good to have my boys back to my side.


How will this end? Will they kick Jack out the band? Who knows what will happen next... oh me :D

Quote: it's not where you are in life, it's who you have by your side that matters

All Night ~ Bradley Simpson {ON HOLD}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu