Chapter 7

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Megan's pov

I was walking outside on the road trying to think about a way to help Brad back in the band. Like always it was raining and I was soaking wet but I didn't care. The only thing that I care about is to get Brad back in the band. I could go and kill Jack but that's illigal. I feel bad that Tristan and James don't see what he is trying. I found out that Jack his best friend is also a bass player so that's why he wants Connor to leave the band. He only wants James and Tristan.

I sat down on the cold hard ground in the dark when rain keeps coming down. Brad had been texting me but I told him I need time to think.

As I looked up I realised I was close at the hospital where Connor is. As I walked up there I see James, Tristan and Jack. They were about to leave. As they were gone I ran inside to Connor's room. Yes I was soaking wet from the rain and people gave me weird looks but I don't care. As I walked inside his room, I saw him laying down with his eyes closed.

"Connor." I whispered. Okay he is in a coma and won't hear me but I have to talk to someone. "Jack don't want you in the band. He has a friend that plays the bass and he will replace you soon."

I took his cold hand in mine as tears came down my face. "Please wake up." I whispered. Suddenly there was a loud annoying beep. I let go of his hand as some nurses came running into the room.

"Young lady, you have to go." One said as she grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked in shock. "But what's going on?" I ask as she pulled me out the room and slamed the door in my face. "Is he alright!?" I shout but there was no answere.

I ran outside cuz there was no where else to go but I didn't came far before I felt on the ground, crying.

"Megan?" A familair voice said. I looked up to see Brad already next to me. "I've been looking for you all day."

"Co- Connor." Is all I could say.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.

"He's not okay." I told him. "The machine starts beeping and nurses came running in."

"What happened?" He asks.

"I don't know." I said. "They kicked me out." Brad helped me up and took my hand in his. He walked with me inside the hospital and walked up to the lady behind the desk.

"How can I help you?" She asks.

"We were wondering if you know something more about Connor Ball?" Brad asks.

"I'm sorry but Only family and close friends are allowed to know more information." The lady said and I feel Brad tensing up next to me.

"I'm a close friend, well we used to." He whispered the last part.

"What's your name?" She asks him.

"Brad, Bradley Simpson." He said.

"I'm sorry Brad." The lady said. "But I've been told not to give any information to you."

"Can we at least see him?" I ask.

"You can't." She simply said. I felt Brad's body shaking next to me.

"Come." I said to him and we went outside together.

"Those assholes!" Brad shout. "Jack must told them to keep me away from Connor."

"Brad." I said as he looked at me all tensed up, it made me scared cuz I have no idea what he is able to when he's angry. "I found out something you may have to know."

"What?" He asked rude. "I'm sorry didn't meant to."

"It's fine, you have a reason to be mad." I said.

"But I shoudn't react it all to you." He said. "But what did you find out?"

"Jack's best friend is a bassist and he wants Connor to leave the band so his friend can join them." I told him.

"I knew he was up to something but something in me says that that's not everything." He said. He took my hands in his as he looks down at me. "You must be cold."

Yes I am cold since my clothes are still wet from the rain. Without saying something, Brad took of his leather jacket and helped me to get it on. "Thank you." I smiled as he laid his arm around my waist. He lead me to his car and helped me get in. Such a gentleman. He drove to his place and let me in. His roommate from the other day doesn't seem to be home.

"I go get you some dry clothes." Brad said running upstairs and returning with some joggings and a sweater. "Here get those on."

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask him as he kept staring at me.

"Oh yeah sorry." He shook his head and showed me the bathroom. I got changed and went back to Brad, who was downstairs making some soup.

"Here." He said giving me a cup with some soup in it. When I finished it, I thanked him for everything he is doing for me.

We sat down on the couch together. Non of us said a word as we both kept looking at our hands.

"You're beautiful." Brad broke the silence.

"Thanks." I said with my face bright red.

"Megan." He said. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Well sometimes I tend to lose myself when I'm out here on my own." He said. "I never seem to get it right."

Something in me was feeling so bad for him. Everything that's happening to him must be horrible. His friends replaced him, Connor in the hospital.

"But I guess that's how it goes." He finished.

"I promise that everything will be fine, just give it some time." I told him.

"But what if Connor isn't fine?" He said. "I wanna know!"

"Why don't you ask James our Tristan?" I ask him.

"They hate me." Brad says.

"They still love you." I told him. "Only Jack is keeping them away from you."


"Send them a text." I cut him off. "Let them know you care, that's the first step to get back in the band."

"Yeah maybe." He said as he took his phone. "But how should I ask?" I took his phone and wrote the text for him.

To James: 'Hi mate, I heard that there was something wrong with Con? Is he okay?'

"Here you go." I said giving back his phone.

"And now?" Brad asks.

"Wait." I said. "Wait till he answere."



Sorry for the wait!

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