Chapter 6- Emilia

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I had fallen asleep quicker and longer than I ever had. I believe I slept around fourteen hours before my mother came in to wake me up. 

"Come now darling you should be awake enough for us to get to the airport!" She said as I slowly sat up in the mess of covers and sheets around me. When I met her eyes I watched a glint of something spark across her face before she smiled at me again. It looked like she had just realized something.

What was that?



Maybe it was just shock. I mean, I don't look like a princess after hours of sleeping.

"Right. How long do we have before we have to leave?" I ask her quietly, rubbing one of my eyes and stifling a yawn.

"We have about an hour and a half. I'll order us room service! Is there anything in specific you would like?" She asked standing and turning her body toward me, waiting for my response. Suddenly I'm craving pastel de choclo. Aunt Vivian always made it the best.

"What was that?" Mom asked tilting her head to the left a little bit. I realize I had murmured something about it and shook my head with an apologetic smile.

"Um...anything consisting of meat would be great." I tell her and she nods before leaving my room. Having nothing better to do, I turn on my phone and immediately my heart aches at the lock screen photo of Abril and I running a victory lap at our first competition together. It was only a semi formal competition but I remember being so nervous.


"El número nueve, Emilia Petrov y Bailes de Diamantes de Abril, por favor entrar en la arena." The announcer called me in, asking 'number nine' to enter the arena. It made me feel important to hear my name announced next to Abril's stunning show name, Bailes de Diamantes de Abril (or April Diamond Dances in English, much more elegant in Spanish in my opinion). I hurried to mount and gave a quick wave to Vivian and my coach, Vicente. 

"Buenos suerte!" I could hear them call after me. Good luck. I entered the center of the arena, stuck my hand out behind me and bowed to the judges, trying hard to calm my unsettled nerves.


"Emilia?" A voice broke me out of my little lala land and I looked up to see Maria. I glanced at my phone one more time, my heart breaking just a little before putting it down and turning my attention to my sister. 

"Sorry, yeah?" I fixed my hair into a ponytail. 

"Um, the food is here. Nanay wanted to know if you wanted to join us for the food and a movie in the main room?" I nodded and followed her in.

Wow I feel tall next to her.

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