Chapter 10- Emilia

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As soon as I wake up, I work to organize my side of the room, unpacking and putting away, redecorating as I see fit. By the time I'm done I realize Maria has finished as well. We look at each other for a moment and then around each other to inspect the other's half of the room. Her side is very well put together and cute. She has a lot of different colored things to go on the walls and such that makes the room seem happy. I give her a smile when our eyes meet again. 

"I like it." I tell her, gesturing to her half. She looks away but grins.

"Thank you Ate!" She turns to look at her work before turning her attention back to me. "I think your side is pretty too. I like where you put your violin." I have to look to remind myself where I had put it. My stradivarius violin sits on a gray chair that was already in the room, next to a wine colored dresser. 

"Oh! Thank you!" It's quiet for a while between us and I feel myself start to feel homesick looking at the Spanish designs on the side of my violin so I decide to break the silence.

"Let's go explore, yeah?" I suggest, nodding my head to the door as I walk out.

"Huh? Oh!" Maria follows me with a light laugh. "Ok, sure." We walked down two flights of stairs before I turned a corner and bumped into someone. 

"Oh! You're awake!" A man exclaimed, smiling down at Maria and I. I take a big step back and crane my neck to look up at a pale man with blue eyes that surely match his son's, and light brown hair. This has to be...

"Um...we're sorry." Maria says for me as I stare at him with calculating eyes. "We'll be on our way." She tries to push me along but her stops us.

"Wait a minute, I'd love to introduce myself to my stepdaughters." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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