Snow (prolouge)

26 1 3

Ty's pov
Maybe I should have gotten one of the guys to come with me. Maybe Jason, he does have a jet pack.
As I slowly climb up the mountain to get to the snow on top, I notice the snow falling around me. Now I wish I had gotten the fluffy to come or maybe the Canadian. As I get up higher on the mountain the ledges I'm walking on get smaller and icy. I must be getting close.
Time skip of power!
I've been walking for forever. When am I am going to get to the top?! As I think more I don't notice the curve up ahead. As I take the next step foreword, my foot meets nothing but air. I look down in a panic at the rocky ground below. As I tumble off the edge of the cliff, I scream hoping someone would hear, but of course, who would be on the mountain at this time other than me, let alone this high. As I fall towards my doom, I roll along. Eventually I hit my head on one of the rocks and the next thing I saw was me finally coming to a stop covered in snow.

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