The Mountain

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As I arrived at the snowy mountain, I hard towards where I woke up at. When I got there, I saw lines in the snow that looked like someone fell down the mountain here. I wonder if this 'Ty' they kept talking about fell and these are the marks he made on the way down. As I look around some more I see something red on a rock higher up. I climb up and look at the rock. It was a dark red at the top and the bottom was black. Looking at the rock I got a sudden pain in my head. Suddenly a memory flashed by.

As I look down and fall towards the rocks, I scream but of course no one hears me. I'm up too high to be heard. My head smashes against a rock and the last thing I see is snow falling on me as my vision fades and I'm surrounded be blackness.

As I remember this scene my memory comes rushing back. I realize I am Ty and that I fell down the mountain and was covered in snow and got my head stuck in a pumpkin. I need to go find Ian, Mitch, Quentin, Seto, Adam, and Jason and bring them here. Try to get them to figure out what I have. I have to go to the Yeam Crafted house and bug them until they follow me. Who should I bug? Maybe Jason, he has a way to tell what people or animals want without them telling him. Yeah, Jason. The others would get too mad and probably hit me out of the way.

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