Convincing Them

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Ty's pov
As I headed home to the Team Crafted house, I was thinking of how to convince Jason that he should follow me with the Team. When I arrived I saw that Jason was outside with Dillion and Jeffry. I walked over there so that Jason saw me. When he saw me he walked over and talked to me.
"Hey there snow golem. Why you following us around?"
I try to convince him to come with me by signaling with my head that he should follow me. He didn't get it at first, but soon realized that that was the move signal we used when we were in battle.
"How do you know that move? How long have you been following us? Wait, maybe one of us built you and told you to use that signal to get through to us. It was Ty, wasn't it?Do you want us to follow you?"
I nod my head yes, and gesture around at the whole area to signal the Team should come too.
"Okay, I'll go get them. Be right back!"
As he gets back with the whole team, I start walking towards the mountain while Jason explains what their doing. We keep going while they talk, me not paying attention to their conversation but instead to our route to the mountain. I was taking the shortest route there. When we arrived, I kept going to the spot I woke up, but noticed that the Team wasn't behind me. I turned around to find them and found them at the spot we first arrived at the mountain.
"Jason, What the hell are we doing here at the mountain?!" Shouted Adam.
"I told you, Ty built the golem and it knew the move signal to get our attention and told me to get us to follow it!"
I got their attention by running into Ian's back. I instantly regretted it when I remembered that Ian has a temper sometimes. I backed up when Ian turned around and started walking to the spot.
"Guys, we can argue later! The golem wants us to follow him more." Ian stated exactly what I wanted him to.
I managed to get them to the spot. The first one around the bend was Seto. When he saw the scuff marks down the mountain, he gasped.
"Guys, hurry! It looks like Ty fell down the mountain! He's not here but there are marks the exact size of him coming down the mountain!"
When the rest of the Team heard that they bolted around the corner, only to find Seto kneeling by a rock that was red. His eyes were closed and his hands glowed a purple light that told them that he was using magic and to not disturb him.
"It was Ty. He wasn't paying attention and fell off the edge of the ledge he was on and fell down here, smashing his head on this rock, knocking him out. When he woke up he had no knowledge of where or who he was." He said.
He walked over to me and said
"Isn't that right, Ty?"
The Team stared at me in shock as I vigorously shake my head yes. They started to cry out of joy from knowing that their friend was safe. Jason walked up to me.
"Seto, is there a way to undo this? There has to be. We need Ty back. Not the snow golem Ty, but the actual Ty." Quentin said.
"Hey Ty, I bet you came to me to get the team to follow you because you knew I liked animals and wouldn't hurt you whereas Ian and Adam would have probily killed you. I guess I'm saying thanks for coming to me." Jason said to everyone listening.
"Yeah there is, but it's back at the house." Zero whispered, as if afraid they would hurt him for saying that.
"Then what are we waiting for? LEZZGO!" Shouted Jerome and Mitch at the same time.
"Lead the way, Ty." Adam gestured at me. As I lead the team back to the house, they talked about all their theories about who had built the snow golem following them around. When we arrived back at the house just a few hours later, Seto bolted inside.
"It'll take an hour for me to make it! Don't bother me or it won't work!" He called over his shoulder.
"Guess someone should stay with Ty while we wait for Seto. Who wants to?" Adam asks.
Everyone raises their hands, including Adam. I know they couldn't see it because of the stupid pumpkin but I was so happy that the Team appreciated me that much. I was even crying, but I might not tell them that.
We spent the next hour just sitting outside talking. Mitch and Jerome had won another hunger games. Adam and Jason had been mining, but I already knew that. Ian and Quentin had been playing pixelmon. Seto had been home, trying to figure out why had happened to me.
"Guys, get down here! And bring Ty!" Seto suddenly shouted at us. As we got up, I remembered that we had stairs and that in snow golem 'form' I couldn't get down them to get to Seto. When we reached the stairs inside, Jason realized what I had been thinking.
"Hey Ian, Adam, can you come here a minute?" He said.
"Yeah, what's up?" Ian asked.
"Ty can't get down the stairs on his own. You two are the strongest. Can you carry him down the stairs?"
"Of course, we will! Ian, grab his shoulders and I'll take his, well where his feet would be."
As they pick me up and carry me down the stairs, I'm once again glad to have such good friends. When we reach the bottom, they put me down and I walk over to Seto, who was standing be a huge seven point star with a circle in the middle.
"Ty, lay down in the middle of the circle. Everyone else, take a point and sit there except the one above his head."
As we did that, he grabbed a red potion and walked over to me on the ground. Without a word he threw it on me. I wanted to scream but no sound came out.
"Okay, now comes the hard part. Everyone hold hands and repeat after me:
As everyone said those words, the pain increased 10 fold every time they said them. I kept trying to scream but no sound came out still. I managed to arch my back in pain. The Team looks worried, but they know that they can't stop.
Third person pov
They look at each other and see the same amount of fear in their eyes. They all look at Seto, still chanting and see his eyes are glowing purple, but there is determination and fear in them. They look back towards Ty and see the snow fading away. They watch as the pumpkin fades and reveals Ty's face and they are suddenly surrounded by a ear piercing scream. They realize with horror that the sound is coming from Ty. They faulted but don't stop.
Ty's pov
The pain is immeasurable. I can feel my arms so I know that it's working, but I want to scream so bad. As I keep trying to scream, a sound comes out and it's ear piercingly loud and high pitched. I keep on screaming uncontrollable. As they stop chanting when Seto said, I pass out.

Deadlox?!(Team crafted story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt