The Team

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As I follow them, they meet up with some other people. I listen to their conversation.
"Hey have you guys heard from Ty?" Asked a man in a black and red checkered jacket.
"We were just about to ask you guys the same thing." Said another person dressed in black with sunglasses on, gesturing to the people behind him. I looked at the group more. One had blue and orange skin. Another was dressed in a robe that was purple and red. It looks like he is a sorcerer. The last one was a baca with a suit and red tie on.
"Hey Ian, Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, Seto. We got the ores!" Shouted Adam.
"Oh hey Adam, have you seen Ty? None of us have since he left for the mountain."
"No and neither has Jason. We're getting worried. We've known him for the longest, no offense, but he's never been gone for a day longer than he said he would be without contact."
As they begin to walk, more talking followed. I didn't listen until Ian, I think, said something that caught my attention.
"Hey, look! A snow golem! I wonder where it came from?"
"Hey Adam, doesn't that look like the snow golem from the cave?"
"Yeah, it is! It was there when I was fighting the squids too."
As they say that I realize that their talking about me. They walk over to me and look at me closer. I think they know I'm following them.
"It seems to be following us. I wonder why?" Wondered Seto.
I tried to answer but no sound came. I realized I couldn't talk, but I guess it makes sense since I am a snow golem. They shrugged it off and kept walking.
I continued to follow them. When they reached their house, I remembered the location.
I then start the long treck back to the mountain where I woke up. As I walk along I think of if I saw anything weird when I woke up. I don't think I did. But that's going to be the first place I look.

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