Magi Chapter 2

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The two bought two plane tickets and got on a plane to Avalon. Hayako always kept a large amount of money on her, just in case. Their parents didn't need to know until they got back. On the plane ride, Hayako enjoyed a surprisingly good dinner. Unfortunately, her enjoyment of the plane ride was hampered by an annoying child who wouldn't stop kicking her seat.

"Excuse me," Hayako said to the boy, turning around, "Could you please stop that?"

"No," was the boy's terse response.

Hayako looked to the woman sitting next to the boy, presumably his mother, for help. The woman scowled back at Hayako.

"Don't look at me like that, you freak! My son can do whatever he wants to you," the woman said.

"If you have a problem with magi, you might be going to the wrong place," said Hayako.

"Shut up!"

Hayako sighed and sat back down. She then created a barrier of mana between her chair and the boy. The boy kicked again.


"What did you do you witch?" said the woman.

"I just made a barrier, he stubbed his toe at worst," said Hayako.

"Shut up!"

The woman went to punch Hayako, only to have her fist stopped by a barrier. The woman tried the other fist, only to have that fist stopped too. Hayako created a ring of mana and used it to bind the woman to her chair. The woman screamed curses at Hayako and kicked her legs. As a courtesy to the person sitting next to her, Hayako created another ring and bound the woman's legs.

The woman continued screaming, however. When the plane landed, Hayako released the woman, who quickly exited the plane looking pale. Hayako also exited the plane and met up with Suzuku.

"Interesting ride," commented Suzuku.

"Yeah," said Hayako

Hayako noticed a girl with long, unkempt pink hair and brown eyes exiting the plane. The girl had bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept in days. She didn't look Japanese and her pink hair marked her as a magus.

Hayako and Suzuku went to buy a drink.

"So, are you the magus that caused all the ruckus?" said the boy working the drink stand.

"I didn't cause anything," said Hayako.

"Just be careful, you aren't invincible around here."

"Got it, thanks."

The two girls then left the airport. It was then that they saw the pink haired girl involved in some kind of confrontation. Four magi were around her. Three were floating in midair, suspended by mana. One stood on the ground quaking in fear.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

The pink-haired girl smiled. She pointed at one of the floating magi and moved her finger downward. As she did so, Hayako sensed a mana blade moving downwards toward the magus. It bisected the man vertically.

"Ein," the girl said, then she repeated the process with the other two magi, "Zwei. Drei."

The man on the ground collapsed to his knees.

The girl planted a fist on her hip and smiled smugly.

"Shall we make that vier?" she asked.

"A-ah!" the man screamed.

He hurriedly stood up and ran away.

Hayako gasped in shock, drawing the pink haired girl's attention.

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