Magi Chapter 11

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The next morning, Hayako turned on the TV to see what the officials had decided about the draw.

"And the officials have decided," said the announcer, "after yesterday's spectacular match, both contestants will share the reward! That means roughly five million dollars each and a shared meeting with Mr. Sawano, one week from today!"

"Suzuhara," said Julia from the door, "ready to go?"

"I just have to change," said Hayako, gesturing to the hospital gown she was wearing.

"I'm here too!" said Suzuku from behind Julia.

"Oh, Asakawa," said Julia, "are you coming?"

"Of course! I don't trust you alone with Hayako!"

"Thanks, Suzuku," said Hayako.

Then, Hayako got up and changed back into her school uniform.

"Did someone wash this?" she asked, "I've been wearing it all week but it's clean."

"I did," said Suzuku, "Our hotel has free laundry services."

"Well, let's go," said Julia.

The three left the hospital together.

"What should we do first?" asked Suzuku, "We're going to bleed you dry, Einzfeld!"

Julia laughed.

"Sounds fun!" she said, "How about some shopping?"

"That sounds nice," said Hayako, "I could use some new clothes."

The three went close shopping. Hayako bought some Avalon themed clothes and a nice dress. Suzuku bought every article of clothing she remotely liked. Julia encouraged her to keep buying more things. Julia herself bought a matching dress and some simple tops and pants.

They then went to a restaurant to eat breakfast. Suzuku gorged herself on everything the restaurant had to offer, while Hayako merely had an omelette and Julia had some pancakes.

After breakfast they all bought swimsuits and headed to the beach. There they sunbathed and swam in the ocean as Suzuku ate as many snacks as possible. As the three were sunbathing, a volleyball landed in the sand next to Hayako.

"Hey, ladies," said a young magus man, accompanied by another, "care to join us?"

Hayako and Julia exchanged a look and nodded. They played a game of magus beach volleyball as Suzuku watched and cheered from the sidelines.

They then went to lunch at a local McDonald's, where Suzuku continued her food buying, money spending feast. They talked over lunch.

"So, Julia," said Hayako, "why do you want to meet Mr. Sawano?"

"My family sent me to negotiate with him," said Julia, then, eating a fry, "Ein."

"Why do you count everything?" asked Suzuku.

"I don't know. It's just a habit I've had since I was small."

"When I was small, I liked planes."

"Planes are cool. What kind of planes?"

"All kinds."

"We were on the same plane coming here," said Hayako.

"Really?" said Julia, "I didn't notice."

A silence fell over the group.

"When I was small, I liked trains, which rhymes with planes in English," said Hayako.

"Trains are cool too. Why don't you like them anymore?"

"I don't know. I guess I just outgrew them."

"I don't think people outgrow things. They just get bored of them."

"So...," said Suzuku, "Who would win in a fight, a polar bear or a lion?"

"I've seen it," said Julia, "The polar bear wins every time."

"How have you seen that?"

"I have my ways."

The three then went to see another movie. It was about a world besieged by dragons.

After that, they went to the Avalon Zoo.

"Now," said Suzuku, "Einzfeld, don't kill anything."

"I won't," promised Julia, "Don't worry."

The three spent some time at the zoo, admiring the animals. Hayako's favorite was the wolf.

They went to dinner at a restaurant inside the zoo. As usual, Suzuku ordered as much food as she could possible eat, and then some more. Hayako and Julia ordered more reasonable portions.

After dinner, the day on the town was over.

"Bye, Julia," said Hayako, "I had fun. You're not so bad when you're not trying to kill me."

Julia laughed.

"I get that a lot," she said, "I had fun too. What about you, Asakawa?"

"I hate to admit it, but I had fun too," said Suzuku, "You're not all bad, Einzfeld."

"I really appreciate that, Asakawa."

Hayako and Suzuku then went back to their hotel. They discussed Julia on their way back.

"That girl is complicated," said Suzuku, "At the airport she tried to kill you for gasping, then she tried to be friends, then she almost killed you again, and now she's as friendly as can be. I don't get it."

"I know," said Hayako, "There's something seriously wrong with Julia. But, now that the tournament's over, it's best to stay on her good side."

"Yeah, I guess."

The two then went to bed.

The next day, Hayako's parents tried to persuade Hayako and Suzuku to go home again.

"Please reconsider," said Mrs. Suzuhara, "Suzuku's parents and we are so worried about you."

"Don't worry, mom," said Hayako, "the tournament's over now. There's shouldn't be any more danger."

"No more danger?" exclaimed Mr. Suzuhara, "You're going to meet a criminal overlord next week! It doesn't get much more dangerous than that!"

"I can handle Mr. Sawano. If it makes you feel better, I can ask Shirou to come with us. Julia will be there too."

"The girl who almost killed you twice."


Hayako scowled stubbornly. Mr. Suzuhara scowled with equal stubbornness.

"Okay, you confront Mr. Sawano, get Ayame back, and go home, got it?"

"Got it."

"I guess we might as well enjoy the vacation while we're here."

Later that day, Hayako, Suzuku, and Hayako's parents went to a nearby waterpark and enjoyed themselves. For the remainder of the week, they acted like normal tourists and Hayako and Suzuku could almost forget the dark reasons they were truly there. But, a week passed and the time to meet Mr. Sawano came.

MagiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora