Magi Chapter 9

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The next day, Hayako had her semifinal match.

She entered the ring feeling confident. Her opponent, Hayato Yamakawa was nothing special.

"And once again, please welcome, Suzuhara Hayako!" declared the announcer.

Yamakawa then walked onto the arena dressed like a ninja.

"And her opponent, Yamakawa Hayato!"

The instant she saw that he was dressed like a ninja Hayako's suspicions were aroused. Nevertheless, the match went on.

"Three! Two! One! Start!"

Hayako immediately tore off Yamakawa's mask and her suspicions were confirmed, he was wearing a collar. Uncaring, Yamakawa created two spikes of mana at Hayako's feet. Hayako jumped back just before they were driven in, pinning her in place.

That's my move, thought Hayako, So, he's being controlled by the same person! But who?

Hayako charged forward and slid, but Yamakawa just jumped over her.

So, he knows that move too, they were watching the tournament! Great, that narrows it down.

Yamakawa launched several balls of flaming mana at Hayako. Hayako blocked them all with a wall of frozen mana. She then pushed the wall toward the man, Yamakawa jumped over it, but Hayako reversed its direction, hitting Yamakawa and sending him flying toward her. Hayako sidestepped Yamakawa's body and kick him, sending him flying back into the wall. Wanting to end things quickly, Hayako cast Inferno, lighting Yamakawa on fire, but he acted like the flames weren't even there. He charged at Hayako blindly.

Hayako did a back flip, kicking Yamakawa in the jaw as she did so and sending him flying upwards. He landed in a heap on the ground, with a crack that signified a serious injury, but he got up and acted like nothing was wrong. Hayako jumped over another charge and slammed Yamakawa against a wall. She closed in and savagely kicked him in the jaw again. She then punched him in the stomach repeatedly, but, like nothing was happening. He countered with a strong punch to Hayako's stomach, sending her flying across the ring.

It must be that collar, Hayako thought, It lets him ignore major injuries.

Hayako created a blade of frozen mana and tried to cut the collar off. Though she felt it give slightly, it didn't break immediately, allowing Yamakawa to send spikes of mana flying at Hayako.

Darn it, I can't focus on cutting it off in this environment.

Yamakawa charged again, right through a flaming wall Hayako created.

Hayako kicked his legs out from under him, sidestepped his fall, and stomped on his head. But again he merely stood up and swung his fists wildly at Hayako, Hayako dodged every blow and threw him across the ring, right into a spiked wall of mana.

The spikes must have pierced several organs, including at least one lung, but the man just stood up again.

"Don't make me kill you, Yamanaka," said Hayako.

"Help... me...," Yamanaka managed to gasp out.

"Wow!" the announcer exclaimed, "Hayako is even more aggressive than usual, but Yamanaka just keeps getting up! Could it have something to do with that thing around his neck?"

Yamanaka charged forward again. Hayako came to a difficult decision. She sidestepped Yamanaka's charge, tripped him, and stabbed him in the spine with a mana blade. That got a reaction. Yamanaka screamed in pain and stayed down, but he started dragging himself toward Hayako with his arms and continued using mana to try to attack her. Still, it was easier to work now.

Hayako created a dome of frozen mana around herself and created a blade of frozen mana to cut off the collar. After a few minutes, she had cut the collar off. Yamakawa finally stopped moving and lay on the ground, gasping for air. After a few seconds, Yamakawa passed out.

"And the winner is Hayako!"

Hayako left the ring and went to meet Suzuku and Hayako.

Suzuku was holding her phone and talking to somebody.

"Yes, she's okay. Here she is now. Okay," she said, "It's for you."

Hayako took the phone.

"Yes?" she said.

"Oh, Hayako thank goodness you're okay," said Mrs. Suzuhara, "We were so worried we've been looking everywhere for you, and then my friend said she saw you on TV and we've watched your last match. What are you doing there? Please come home."

They were worried, about me, Hayako thought.

"I'm looking for Suzuku's little sister, Ayame," said Hayako.

"Oh, Hayako, please come home, let the police do that."

"I can't not when I'm this close. I have to see this through."

"Your father wants to talk to you."

"Hayako," said Mr. Suzuhara, "Come home right now!"

"No, I need to finish that."

"But if you face that pink haired girl in the finals, she'll kill you."

"I won't let that happen."

Hayako hung up the phone.

On the nearby TV, Julia was already executing her opponent.

"Julia wins again!" declared the announcer, "It's a massacre!"

"Looks like you're facing Einzfeld in the finals," said Suzuku.

"Yeah," said Hayako.

"Don't worry kid you can beat her," said Shirou.

"I know."

Hayako and Suzuku returned to the hotel.

Hayako once again went to bed early as preparation for her finals match.

The next day, Hayako and Julia entered the ring.

"Sorry, but I can't lose," said Hayako.

"And I won't lose," said Julia.

"Three!" declared the announcer, "Two! One! Start!"

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