Magi Chapter 15

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The next day, they looked up Cirque de Magique and found that they were currently touring the United States. They were between stops, but would soon arrive in New York.

"I've always wanted to visit New York," said Suzuku, "but I didn't think it would be like this."

"Let's get Julia and go," said Hayako.

"I don't know, at this point maybe we should just go to the authorities."

"We can't prove anything without getting ourselves in trouble."

"I guess... We should at least tell our parents this time, though."

Hayako and Suzuku told Mr. and Mrs. Suzuhara what they were going to do.

"I don't like it," said Mr. Suzuhara, "but unless we want to get arrested we don't have much of a choice."

Hayako and Suzuku then called Julia and went to get Julia. They talked as they walked.

"So, what was that blue fire yesterday?" asked Suzuku.

"I undid my seal," said Hayako.

"Wow, you must be really strong without it."

"I wasn't expecting my mana output to have grown so much."

"So, did you redo it?"

"No, I think I'll keep it off at least until this is settled."

They reached Julia's hotel. It was a nice place, five stars. It made the other two's hotel look like a dump.

Julia came down to the lobby.

"Let's go," she said.

The three went to the airport and bought five first class tickets to New York.

Hayako's parents met them there soon after and the five got on their flight and flew to New York.

Once there, they still had a few days to wait until the circus arrived, so they spent those days touring the city, enjoying the sights and food.

Eventually, however, the day of the circus arrived and Hayako, Suzuku, and Julia went to attend it. Once they got there, they saw that there were separate lines for humans and magi.

"I'm sorry," said the usher, "but you two have to go to that line."

"No," said Julia, "I've had enough being told what to do this week."

Julia then tore open the side of the tent.

"Let's go look for your sister, Asakawa."

"Right," said Suzuku.

"Sorry about this," said Hayako.

Inside the tent the performers were preparing. They were all magi. Hayako looked around and didn't see Ayame, though she did see that Ayame wasn't the only performer they had bought from Oshikawa, as several of the younger children present were wearing Oshikawa's collars.

"Look," said Julia, pointing upward, "That girl looks like Asakawa."

Suzuku and Hayako looked up to see Ayame on a unicycle, on a tight rope, using mana to balance and juggle some balls.

"Ayame!" said Suzuku.

"I'll get her," said Hayako.

She reached up with an arm of mana, grabbed Ayame and gently lowered her to Earth. She then ripped off Ayame's collar like tin foil.

Ayame blinked, then burst into tears.

"Oh, Onee-san, Hayako, I thought I'd never see you again!" she said.

"Shh, it's okay now," said Suzuku.

"Let's get the others too," said Julia, "No one should have to wear one of those things."

"Okay," said Hayako.

She then ripped off the other children's collars.

A man in a suit came in looking very angry.

"Hey, what are you doing to my--," he said, before being cut off by Julia cutting off his head.

"Let's go," she said.

Julia, Hayako, and Suzuku with the children returned to the hotel. They then went to the airport and bought first class tickets back to Japan for everybody.

Hayako resolved to use her reward money from the tournament to find the children their homes.

"Are you going back to your home country?" she asked Julia.

"No," said Julia, "I think I'll stay in Japan. It's where all my friends are."

"That's nice."

They all went back to Japan. There, Ayame had a tearful reunion with her parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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