Chapter 2

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[10k's POV]

I woke up as the sun was just beginning to show over the horizon. I swung my duffel bag over my shoulder and my sniper over the other before heading out of the room, careful not to wake the others. I had no idea where Sam and Dean were, I assumed maybe they were already at the car. As I walked across the fairly quiet campus minus the few other early risers, I took in a cool breath of the misty air finding a calm in it.

I pulled the door open to the medical building and past a few familiar faces before slipping into the private room. The walls were blank, sending a sad feeling into the atmosphere. I should decorate? I sat in the chair pulled beside the bedside and slipped my hand into her's, feeling a smile crack my face for the first time since last seeing her.

"I'm going on a supply run with Dean and his brother, don't worry, I'll be safe," I said aloud.

I rubbed my thumb in circles on the back of her hand, playing with her fingers. I must of sat there for a solid 10 minutes before the door creaked open behind me. Dean peaked his head in, not entering the room fully, he stared at Megan for a minute, blank expression, before turning to lock eyes with me. He hated being in this room, he and her were close and it pains him to see her like this I guess.

"Where heading out," he said before shutting the door.

I took a deep breath, and kissed Megan's forehead and standing from my chair and turning to leave. Before I opened the door I turned my head and gave her one more look.

"I love you..." I whispered, then left.

Walking into the parking lot I spotted Sam throwing a bag in the trunk of the silky black car. I tossed mine in as well but brought my beloved sniper to sit in the back seat with me. Dean turned the key in the ignition and that cheesy smile he always got when talking about his car spread across his face. I dont think I've seen somebody love a car as much as him.

As soon as we left the the campus Sam pulled out a paper map from the glove box and spread it out over the dash.

"We can take the 101 if its not to crowded, but if not we can cut through the cities but it'll take longer," Sam explained.

"101 it is," Dean said with his eyes on the road.

We drive a good 15 minutes on the freeway until we came across a barricade of built up abandoned cars. Dean stopped the car and turned the ignition off and stared up at the blockage.

"We'll have to drive back to the last exit and maybe get around this, but I bet we can find some gas in these cars," Dean said pushing his door open.

I followed them out holding my gun close to me, something felt odd about the way the cars were stacked. The closer we got to them the more cautious we all became, I wasn't the only one feeling watched. We walked up to an old silver Toyota first, there was a red smear across the windshield, at first I thought it was just blood but then I noticed a symbol painted on the glass, a sadly familiar one.

The symbol was of a wide circle with an X crossing through it. We've seen these symbols all over the woods on the trees near camp. Their territory markings, we've had bandit problems a lot lately and they always leave this symbol behind.

"We should get out of here..." I said quietly.

"Ya, I agree," Sam said backing up.

At that moment a gun shot went off and we all dropped to the ground behind the car to take cover. The gun shot was so familiar to me I couldn't help but test the waters with who ever it was. There was a big piece of card board by my feet so I picked it up and slowly raised it above my head and into the open and immediately a shot rang out and there was a hole going through the car board.

"He's alone, long range rifle, most likely up somewhere high," I said.

"Should we make a run for the car?" Dean questioned.

"No, we'll be dead before the engine starts," I clarified.

"So then what do we do," Sam said, frusterated.

"We look for his blind spot," I answered.

There was another car a few feet to my left and if I got to it I could possibly make a shot, but I needed a distraction. Me and Dean exchanged looks and read each others mind so I handed him my piece of card board and nodded my head at him getting ready to run. He stuck the card board up and I ran across to the next car praying he would hit the card board instead of me. I heard the shot and made it over and looked over at Dean who was confused.

"You hit?" he whispered/yelled at me.

"No?" I said.

I noticed that the shooter missed me and the card board together, but there was a skid mark across the hood of the car I was behind. I got an advantage point and I could see the shooter leaning around the corner up on one of the tall freeway signs. How the hell he got up there I have no idea but the top of his head was completely exposed. So I took this advantage and lined up my shot. I squeezed the trigger and heard the faded drop of the shooters body hitting the pavement.

"Good shot, but parties over lets get the hell out of here," Dean stood up.

We all paced back towards the car before more shots fired out hitting the cars behind us.

"Run!" I yelled.

The first shots must have gotten his friends attention and I doubt their happy about finding their friend dead. A few bullets whizzed past us and I felt my body jolt to the side a second but slid into the back seat and we peeled out going back the way we came full speed.

"Anybody hit?" Dean asked over the loud engine.

"I'm good," Sam replied.

"Ya-" I flinched before I could finish.

All my adrenaline faded and now there was a piercing pain on my side right across my rib cage. It just grazed me but it was bleeding pretty good.

"We need to pull over," Sam caught on looking back at me.

"No, dont stop until were safe, lets get into the city and stop there," I persuaded.

"You could bleed out-"

"I'm fine." I cut him off.

"Kid if you get blood on my seats I'll kill you," Dean threatened.

Sorry this took so long I've been busy with my other book "Cupid" go check it out if you like!
>>>don't be a silent reader!<<<

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