Chapter 15

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[Megan's POV]

I woke up in the middle of the night, I was still in Dean's room. I sat up straightening my stiff back, I guess sleeping bent over in a chair wasn't the best idea. I did a double take at the empty bed before standing up and pulling the blanket off.

"Dean?' I called out.

I gasped at the blanket that I'd pulled back, it was stained red. I looked at the tile floor spotting drops of blood leading into the bathroom. I followed them carefully with the knife I kept in my boot in hand. I knocked on the door and it opened slowly.

"Dean..." I called again.

I flipped the light switch on and screamed at the bloody scene before me. I took a step back and slipped in the puddle of blood that seeped under the door and I fell flat on my back feeling it soak through my clothes. I backed up until I hit the back wall of the room. I screamed again when I realized the entire room was splattered in blood and I was sitting in it.

"You didn't save him!"

I looked up from between my knees and it was Sam who crouched in front of me, covered in blood. He prt d his lips and said-

I jerked up, forehead coated in sweat, I was back in the chair by Dean's bed.

"You okay?" Dean woke up.

"Sorry, just a dream," I said catching my breath.

"You didn't save me..." he whispered.

"What?" I looked up.

Dean's face was covered in blood and the bed sheets were stained red. A rope reached over me in the chair and pulled against my neck choking me. Sam... I struggled against the ropes and fell off my chair making things worse. I felt myself slipping away-


I sat up gasping for air and started frantically scanning the room. I looked behind me and Sam wasn't there, I scanned over the walls and they weren't covered in blood, I turned towards Dean who had his hand on my arm and concerned eyes.

"It was just a dream," he told me.

"It felt so real..." I whispered.

We sat there like that a few minutes before I got up to get some water. I shut Deans door behind me and ventured out to the water stand where there were a few plastic cups set aside. I heard another door open up somewhere in the distance and footsteps coming towards me. I recognized the voices immediately and hid around the corner.

"Are you sure there's nothing else we can do?" 10k asked.

"I'm sorry kid I don't know what to tell ya, just give it more time I guess," Doc answered.

"I think our relationship finally ran out of time..." he sighed.

They walked passed me unaware of my presence. There he goes again, trying to "fix" me like I'm broken and defenseless. I can't take it anymore. I just wanna be alone yet every corner I take people look down on me, like I'm fragile creature that needs protecting. I feel like every time I go outside this building people look at me as if they're seeing a ghost.

I went back to Deans room, he was half asleep on his bed. I guess he was right when he said those pills made him drowsy. I bent down and gently kissed his forehead, he'll be who I miss the most. But this is for the best. I turned to walk away but a grip on my wrist stopped me.

"Where you going?" Dean slurred.

"I'm going for a walk," I told him.

"Be careful, Megan," he told me.

I pulled out of his grip and shut his door behind me. I couldn't help but get the feeling his unconscious self was more than aware of what I was doing. I shook the aching pain to go back inside and pushed forward. Getting out was gonna be the harder part.

It was still early morning, not a lot of people were out yet, and it's not fully bright out yet so I can use the darkness to my advantage. I've had a backpack packed for a while now but I doubled checked I had everything. My bow strapped to the pack, quiver hanging on my back, machete on my belt loop, food and supplies, my hammock stuffed in the bottom, the map, and a crank flashlight. Everything else I can find on the road.

If I got on the roof of the school where there was bound to be somebody on watch duty, I should be able to jump over the fence and head into the woods. I'd managed to snag a map of the town, if I head down the road it'll take me towards the ocean which I can follow for about a mile until I'm met with the forest. But one problem at a time.

I looked around and didn't see anybody, I climbed up the first few steps of the latter to the roof, peaking my head up. There was a guy on guard, Matt I think his name was. He was walking around the other side of the building. I climbed the rest of the way up, slowly crouching towards the edge trying to be quiet with my footsteps. I scooted off the edge, placing a foot on top of the metal gate and hurdling over. The gate rattled behind me, I shot my head back up towards the roof. I don't think I caught his attention. I looked up and down the street, I didn't see any Z's roaming so I took off. Goodbye prison and hello freedom...

Don't yell at me! I'm facing a bit of writers block so I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't my 100%. Hope it wasn't to bad!

>>>don't be a silent reader!<<<


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