Chapter 17

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[Megan's POV]

A bag was ripped off my head, my eyes focusing to the sudden burst of light and my hair sticking to my eye lashes, I got a whiff of pine trees, they towered over me, sunlight shining through the tree tops. At least I got to where I wanted to go, minus a few extra details. I was in some kind of makeshift camp, tents scattered, fire pits lit, and people. Women and children to be more specific. They stared as I was escorted past them. It was definitely a bandit camp that's for sure, their weird symbol was carved into the trunks of trees we passed by.

My hands were zip tied tightly behind me, the escort to my right carried my back pack, my bow hanging off the side, why the escort to my left had a hand under my arm shoving me along. As I looked around taking in my surroundings, I didn't see any fences, no walls, no nothing. How were they keeping the Z's out?

"Fetch Gavin," one escort said to the other. He nodded his head and left, I watched as my bow left my side leaving me feeling more defenseless than before. Wait- did he say Gavin? My heart skipped a beat. I still don't remember him. He couldn't of changed that much? Done all the things the other said he did? I mean, trying to kill 10k, that's a huge stretch.

We walked into what looked like the center of the camp. A large area cleared out except for a few singular wooden posts that stood 6 feet tall. One of them was occupied, there was a guy sitting in the dirt, his hands bound behind his back around the post. I studied him as we moved along, what did he do?

Not paying attention, my dick of an escort pushed me, my back hitting one of the posts making me grunt. He rebound my hands around it as the other escort made his way back. They took a few steps to the side to talk in private but I was able to pick up a few words.

"Not here... few days... no food..."

They nodded their heads at each and then left together.

"What about me?!" I called out after them. They didn't turn back and just kept walking. I sighed, now what.

"You really think calling them back is a good idea?" The other guy tied up a few feet from me said. I slid down sitting in the dirt and rested my head back.

"Beats sitting here," I grumbled. He lightly chuckle at me.

"What's your name?" He asked. I looked over at him, he couldn't of been any older than 40. His face was dirty, clothes torn, his skin was dark and if I had to guess he almost looked Indian? But he has this broken soul vibe coming off him.

"Why's it matter, I'm just gonna get killed anyways," I remarked.

"You shouldn't let go of faith so easily," he told me. His eyes told me he was speaking from experience.

"It's easier said than done," I confessed, resting my head back against the post and looked up into the darkening sky.

"But not impossible," he assured me.

"Why are you here? What did you do?" I finally asked. He looked at me in silence for a moment, like he was replaying whatever happened in his mind first.

"My names Aarav, I got caught trying to steal some supplies," he admitted.

"Well that was stupid of you," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, they weren't for me, my group is a few miles from here, the children are all sick and we needed medicine," he told me. I sighed, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"The same thing happened to my group, only the kids getting sick. Where do you guys get your water from?" I asked him.

"We have a well, but what does that have anything to do with the children?" He said confused.

"It's a sick twisted operation these people have discovered, they contaminate the water with the infected," I explained.

"I- I have to get back to my people! They need to know what's happening, do you have a plan to get out of here?" He asked frantically looking at me with a sudden change of hope.

I started looking around, for anything I could possibly use to cut the ropes around my wrist but there was nothing but dirt all around us.

"We'll think of something..." I tried to assure him. But in all honesty I didn't see a way we could possibly get out of this.

We sat in silence for the next few hours, the moon hanging high above of us. My body was craving to get some sleep, but my head wouldn't let me. Something about the way there were no Z's around made me unsettled. One could just walk right through the camp without anyone knowing with no guards walking around.

I sat up and looked over at Aarav, he was was able to sleep somehow. I sighed and leaned my head back against the wooden post. My shoulders were growing sore from the way they were tied behind me. I tried to get my mind off it but there was literally nothing else I could think of. Looking around some more I still didn't see anybody outside, but looking a little harder there was one figure walking awkwardly through the camp, he almost looked drunk the way he stumbled. He tipped his head up and then looked right right at me. I strained my eyes to get a better look in the pitch dark until I heard it's distant growls getting closer. Shit... your not a drunk idiot it's a damn Z heading straight for me!

>>>don't be a silent reader!<<<

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