Chapter 13

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The gorgeous Animas River Valley - Photo by Legacy Properties West

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The gorgeous Animas River Valley - Photo by Legacy Properties West

"Come on, Luke," I said as we sat in his car outside Magpies. I was trying to convince him to take me back to Cold Creek Road. "You helped me. Now let me help you."

"No." He gripped the steering wheel and shook his head. "Just, no."

"Look, this is tearing you up, right?" I said. He shrugged. "Maybe I can do something about that."

If I could push the vision back in time.

Was that even possible? I didn't need to see Frank die again. I saw that enough in my nightmares. What I needed to see was where Frank was coming from. Then, good or bad, Luke would know.

"I won't put you through that again." Luke took my hand and pressed his soft warm lips against the back of it. "I can't."

"Well, that's very macho and chivalrous of you." I pulled my hand from his. "But you're pissing me off." I wasn't getting anywhere. He hadn't even started the car. "Can you at least tell me about it? Why you need to know? Or what you need to know?"

"Bay, it's just . . ." All the air leaked out of him as he stared out the windshield.

He'd probably never told anybody. Or didn't want to look weak or needy.

"I won't tell anyone." I touched his shoulder. "You know that."

"I know." He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "My dad. He'd been going out most nights. I don't know why, or where. The night he died . . ." He shook his head. "I accused him of cheating on my mom. You should've seen his face." He closed his eyes, and whispered. "If I could just take it back."

I leaned against his side. No wonder he was tortured. Made me feel like being nicer to my mom. What if I left something awful hanging in the air for eternity, no way to apologize or take it back? I slid my hand over his. "What did he say?"

"Nothing. Just gave me that look and walked out. Forever."

He needed closure. The truth might not be pretty, but at least he'd know. Limbo was a horrible place to be. The worst. I knew all about that. "Let's go find out."

He squeezed his fists together. "I just need to get past it."

"Get past it? I might be able to help, and you just want to get past it?" My eyebrows shot up. "I wish there was someone who could find out who killed my grandpa."

"Your grandpa with the visions?" He frowned. "He was murdered?"

"Yes. And all we have are theories."

"Me, too." He pulled back to look at me, eyes wide. "Because he had visions."

"Maybe. But I can't do anything about it because it happened in South Carolina and my dad won't take me there. But even if I have to wait until I'm eighteen, I'm going to catch his killer."

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