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The next day, Anthony got up with a smile. He got dressed, still smiling.

He slipped out of his room smiling, making sure not to wake up Kalel. He wasn't sure how she was going to react to him going on a "date" with another man, but he knew it wouldn't be good.

Anthony showed up at the beach, right on time. Ian came not two minutes later.

"Hey. Ready to go?"

Anthony smiled and nodded, giving him permission to lead the way.

He wasn't sure if it was a date or not.

It sure seemed like it; it strongly resembled one. But he wasn't sure if Ian was, y'know, that, or if he even felt that way toward Anthony.

Still, he took note of Ian's slightly blushing face every time they made eye contact.

Maybe he does...


They got to the cafe about thirty minutes later. It was early, so Anthony knew Kalel wouldn't be awake for another hour at least.

The two sat down in the outdoor seating, ordering coffee and pastries.

"So what do you wanna start with?" asked Ian. In all the excitement, Anthony forgot that they were supposed to be talking about comedy.

"I- I don't know. What do you think we should start with?"

"Well, what I first- thank you." Ian said as the worker placed their coffee and pastries on the table in front of them. "What I first started out with was improv. I feel like it's a good starting point, because it incorporates comedy, acting, and being able to do stuff on the spot.

"So, I'll give you a location and character, and you'll have to improvise a scene."

Anthony nodded. "Sounds good."

"Alright, uh... you're an insecure doctor who is trying to deliver a baby. I'll be the... woman, I guess."

They moved their chairs away from the table, so that they could be closer to each other without the table in the way. Anthony assumed the position of the doctor, while Ian assumed the position of a woman in labor.

"And, scene."

Anthony gulped. This is when he would make a complete fool of himself in front of Ian. Great.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to push. I mean, if you want. I'm sorry I'm probably being really annoying. But, like, maybe push if you want. I dunno."

Anthony put his hands down and looked at the ground, acting as if he was extremely insecure. He cracked a tiny smile when he heard Ian holding in his own laughter.

"Sir! The baby is coming out!"

"Oh, yeah, RIGHT sorry." Anthony pretended to be snapped out of a daze. "I'm sorry. I'm such a klutz. You probably hate me. It's okay. I hate me too."

"Sir! The baby!" Ian fake yelled, though it was obvious he was trying not to laugh at Anthony's performance.

"Okay. Okay. I got this. Oh no!" Anthony mimicked dropping an imaginary baby. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz. You probably hate me. I'm sorry. Uh, I'm sorry. Please don't tell my boss."

Ian finally lost it, breaking out into a giggle fit. "And, scene. That was great dude!"

Anthony smiled. "You really think so?"

Ian smiled back. "Yeah. I really do."

sorry that improv scene sucked im bad at things aaa

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