Chapter 8

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I awake some time later, my head spinning and pulsing with pain. I see Jack lying a few feet away, the snow stained red all around him. I forget why I was mad at him, at any of them. I try to run toJack, to see if there was any chance he is still alive, but I knew there wasn't a chance. He would have killed me if he had the chance. Suddenly, I feel the pain of all that had happened. The only ones who had accepted me were gone forever. The pain in my chest felt as though there was a boulder on my chest, crushing my heart. This isn't injury pain I feel more of. This is something that will impact me far more. I stagger, coughing up blood, seeing the spots of crimson blur as my vision recedes... If only Chase hadn't died. He would have told us how foolish we all were being. If Jack wasn't so mad, he wouldn't have killed Jim. The snow around me starts dimming in color.

I hear a voice. It sounds familiar. Syd's voice.¨You've got to listen to me!! HEY! Can you hear me!? Kyle is the one who said all that stuff to you in the night! He just wanted revenge! I didn't want to betray him. If he found out I told you this he'd be so mad.¨I muster a smile, and I can see the outline of Kyle sinking his poisonous fangs into Syd's side, and her falling. All the light drains from my sight. All black. I try to escape it, but I wonder. What do I have left? All I have left are scorning animals who hate foxes, and a world of pain. I let the darkness close in and take me. Just like Jack, just like Chase, like Jim and Syd. And I go limp.

A sequel may be coming I'm not sure yet

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