jealousy || terumaeda

480 12 22

as inspired by lina and that one video edit 👌

hanamura was excited.

he was going to tell him. he had been bottling it up for so long, attempting to break the ice with constant dirty jokes- which komaeda always told him to cut out.

he never did.

smiling to himself at the thought, hanamura walked on, clutching in his hand a bouquet of flowers nanami had helped him pick out, excitement and nerves bubbling in his chest. komaeda wouldn't turn him down... right?

of course not! he wouldn't...

hanamura grimaced at the thought, but quickly shook it off as he realised he was nearing komaeda's shared apartment. hinata greeted him at the door, laughing at the sight of a flustered hanamura, pointing him in the direction of komaeda's room.

this was it. he was going to confess to komaeda.

drawing in one final, deep breath, hanamura pushed open the door to komaeda's room, only to be greeted with the sight of a worst case scenario.

the flowers clutched within hanamura's palms fell to the ground with a soft thud as his jaw dropped. komaeda... was...

there was a second boy accompanying him. he had dark hair, and was wearing all white, but hanamura wasn't focusing too much on his appearance.

what he was focusing on, however, was the fact that komaeda was straddling the boy, their lips latched together as if they would never separate again.

without uttering a single word, hanamura turned on his heel and raced out of the apartment, hot tears of both anger and devastation burning his eyes.

he found his way to his favourite bar. it was in the centre of the town, meaning it had grown to be quite popular with people other than hanamura.

that fact was quite apparent as hanamura planted himself before the bar, music blasting rather painfully into his skull as others danced all around him. for once in his life, though, hanamura had no urge to join them.

within an hour, hanamura had lost count of how many shots he had ordered. all that he could process was the very attractive, toned male now seated beside him.

summoning all the strength he could muster, hanamura shot the guy a flirtatious smile, subtly nudging aside one of many shot glasses. "why hello there." he smirked.

the guy laughed a little, pulling a full shot glass towards him and tipping the whole contents of it into his mouth in one, swift action. "'sup." he offered.

hanamura giggled quietly to himself. from what he could see, this man was very much to his taste. "oh, i was just wondering what a fine man like you would be doing in a place like this." he teased.

the guy- who hanamura decided to nickname 'hot stranger' - rolled his eyes playfully, before turning to fully face hanamura. "if i had a dollar for the amount of times i had heard that..." he commented, a smirk ghosting on his lips.

his lips...

hanamura paused for a moment, before another hearty giggle passed through his lips. "i'd like to think it was different coming from me." he joked, winking briefly.

catching his lip between his teeth, the hot stranger arched an eyebrow. "huh... i guess you could say that." he teased.

although subtle, hanamura caught onto the encouragement. he leaned in a little closer to the stranger, picking up on how muscular he was. he wasn't like the skinny komaeda at all.

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