what's wrong? || dr x friends

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lmao fuck i have sm more close friends this is gonna be ###stressful
anyway ily all sM thank u for everything <3

lina x ouma

ouma yawned, stretching out his arms as his head dropped into lina's shoulder. "what's up?" she asked calmly, watching as his plum hair tickled her a little.

"mmmm... nothing's wrong..." he decided, glancing up at her as his eyes twinkled.

she simply laughed, shaking her head and beginning to twirl his hair around her fingertips. "i'm glad we could be here, y'know. together," she admitted.

in response, ouma's eyes shut a little as he grinned further. "me too, but maybe..." his voice trailed off, and so did his eyes, causing lina to almost choke as she shoved him a little.

"oh my god, you're awful!" she cried out, attempting to hide her laughter as ouma winked at her, his legs spread somewhat widely to reveal the oh so obvious bulge.

these r gonna be short bc 😎 one night to write them

cass x saihara

cass stretched out her legs as she brought her hand through her dark hair. her boyfriend, saihara, watched on dotingly as she carried out these effortlessly stunning movements.

when she opened her eyes, he picked up on the sunken, dark circles under her eyes and the drained gaze within them. "what's wrong?" he asked softly.

she jumped a little, before relaxing a little and settling into his arms with a sigh. "just... tired. overworked, i suppose."

understanding, saihara nodded, pressing his lips to her head, causing her to melt. "it's okay. i'm here, y'know, cass. i love you... so much.

her once pale skin flushed red as she unwound in his arms, burying her face into him. "i love you too, saihara. thank you for everything."

mik x tenko (i know u have an ouma kink but i already did ouma and i don't want it to repeat ): )

jaya smiled softly as her (for once calmed) girlfriend sprawled along the bold grass, pure sunlight causing her skin to sparkle a little. "what's wrong?" tenko asked suddenly, turning to train her eyes on jaya.

ashamed of the fact she was caught, jaya turned to stare at her feet. "nothing. why would anything be wrong?" she spluttered out.

tenko laughed lightly, tilting her head a little. "tenko noticed you staring at her, jaya," she teased.

flustered, jaya shook her head, burying her face in her hands. "i-i wasn't!" she protested, her skin turning a red that contrasted strongly with the strongly coloured grass.

tenko laughed slightly. "tenko thinks you're very cute!" she chimed brightly.

through her hands that were now warming up due to her boiling face, jaya muttered back: "you're cuter," causing a huge blush to wash over tenko's face, leaving both of the girls flustered and very, very in love.

angie x gundam (here's the reunion u wanted smh)

emily's grip on the suitcase handle intensified as she began to stride towards the swinging door before her. it felt as if the crowd in front of her had no desire to leave, since they were almost moving in slow motion.

finally, she pushed through those doors and wound through the corridors, dying to meet with him after so long.

she spotted him at the back of the crowd, his arms crossed over his chest as his dark eyes flickered over the crowd.

instantly, she bolted over, her suitcase struggling to keep up until she finally dropped it and flung her arms around him. "you're here..." she mumbled into his shoulder as he tentatively patted her back.

as soon as she spoke, he relaxed, wrapping his arms around her, despite the fact it went against all of his usual mannerisms. "what is wrong, my dark queen?" he asked lowly, picking up on her behaviour.

she laughed breezily, stepping back and gazing into his eyes. "i... i'm just so happy to see you. i missed you, gundam."

wrinkling his nose a little, he tugged his scarf over his face to hide his blush and to also smother the words: "i missed you too."

ruthie x hajime

the almost too sweet movie crackled on in the background as ruthie and her boyfriend, hajime, conversed calmly. the hazy atmosphere was comforting to the two of them, almost as much as they comforted each other.

hajime sighed softly as he smoothly ran his fingertips through her fair hair. "what's up?" she questioned lightly, tilting her head up so their eyes met.

shaking his head, hajime's lips peaked into a small smile. "nothing, i just... realised how much i love you," he admitted, staring lovingly into her eyes.

a hue of pink overwrote the pale tone on her cheeks at hajime's words. "i love you too, hajime. i really do."

smiling, hajime nodded, slowly leaning down and planting a kiss on her lips that made both their chests tighten.

as they sat there, nestled into the couch as the oh so cliché movie rolled on, the only thought passing over their minds was their utmost admiration, love and care for each other.

i panicked w these sm and they're so awful and have a huge lack of description and detail and im sorrY ): but ily all sm !!!!! i kno there are a lot™ of people i missed out and im sorry but ;^)
i hope u all enjoyed tho!!!

danganronpa imagines ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora