Chapter 15

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Once the boat docked I walked ahead with Nikki and made a dash back to the hotel room with the excuse of getting changed out of my wet things. I showered quickly and changed but was too chicken to go to the bar. All day drinking on holiday was not for me so I tucked myself in bed. I intended to wait for James to come to bed but fell asleep.

I woke the next morning and James wasn’t back. I went down to breakfast and there he was. He saw me and walked off so instead of joining everyone I turned and walked back to the lift. I heard Nikki call my name as the lift doors closed and I burst into tears. Once the doors opened I rushed back to my room and sat on the end of the bed crying.

“Mel,” Nikki said knocking. “Mel, he is being a dick, just ignore him.”

 My phone rang it was James. I hit ‘ignore’. It rang again. I ignored it again.

He text. ‘Can you meet me on the beach please?’

‘No,’ I text back.

‘We need to talk,’ he replied.

‘We needed to talk last night but you didn’t come back to the room so I get the message loud and clear,” I replied.

He called this time I answered.

“I am not coming to the stupid fucking beach, you can shove it!” I snapped.

“We need to talk, away from everyone.”

“That is what a hotel room is for but you didn’t bother coming back last night.”

“You went off to change, when you didn’t come back I assumed you didn’t want me to. I slept on the lounger.”

“You weren’t speaking to me before that. You turned your back on me in the bar and ignored me in front of everyone. I ran all over the place looking for you, I was worried sick you’d get left behind.”

“You didn’t mind leaving me behind whilst you went jet skiing.”

“I was swimming they lifted us back to shore and showed off a little on the way.”

“You can’t go for a walk on the beach with me but can go swimming with Nikki.”

“I swam out and lay there floating like a beached whale. The jet skis guys were probably from green peace looking to rescue a whale. They offered to lift us back. Nikki got on the back of one and I didn’t feel like I could refuse the other.”

“Why did you refuse the walk?”

“Because I had just at a small cow and you were probably looking to take me up on my ‘beach sex’ tease and I was backing out.”

There was silence. I was right he was trying to get me away in private for a quickie. Now I felt stupid and prudish.

“Why didn’t you come back down when you got changed?”

“Because you ignored me on the boat. I froze half to death on the deck of that ship, staying out of your way, whilst you got hammered at the bar.”

“You didn’t have to stay out of my way, I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t avoiding you. I thought you were avoiding me.”

“You looked at me like I was a piece of shit when I came in the bar and turned your back on me,” I half yelled and tried not to cry again.

“Are you crying?”

“No I’m laughing,” I replied sarcastically. “Of course I’m crying we are arguing. It is hardly a happy event! What do expect me to do, the Macarena?”

The phone went dead.

“He hung up on me,” I raged to myself as I grabbed my bag shoving things in. I could grab the next flight back if I wait at the airport. Good thing I was still packed from before, all I needed was my toothbrush and shampoo. I was out the door two minutes later.

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