Chapter 19

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When the doctor visited later that evening I was feeling better. My neck was still a bit stiff but I booked myself in for a full body massage with James to help resolve it.

James had read through most of my notes whilst I was sleeping and realised what I was up too. He had given himself a headache reading it all so could sympathise with me. He put it all away with our other private stuff. I was still lying on the bed naked from my massage, planning on a migraine more often if this is the treatment I got.

We headed down to the same restaurant we had been to the first night here, I needed fresh air and we were meeting the others. Lauren was shocked I was up and about so quickly as she suffered with migraines too. I was just lucky this wasn’t a three dayer.

I stuck to virgin cocktails all night and was so hungry I ate all three courses of my meal. James loved that I wasn’t a salad munching, calorie counter... in fact my rules was if it was full of calories I was eating it as it was bound to taste good and you could be hit by a bus tomorrow.

I didn’t feel as energetic as the others but watched them dance like fools to Banarama and all the cheesy 80’s the DJ could squeeze in. In the meantime, I sat in a corner booth leaning against my boyfriend until the disco lights started to strobe and we headed back to the hotel.

Walking back with the chill of the air blowing, James put his arm around me so I could snuggle into his side. I had over done it with the disco and my eyes were twitching, the odd pain in my head and I was ready for bed like an old maid. Whereas the inner me was desperate to boogie the night away and do tequila body shots. I was missing sex and when massaging me James refused me nookie. ‘When you are better’ he had said. My blag that it would make me feel better, didn’t work, he was convinced 2-3 days would be best. Sulking for ten minutes didn’t work either, he was used to sulking living with a 3 year old.

As we walked back to the hotel I knew that my chances of seducing him back in our room were slim so figured I would sleep and wake up to a new day and attempt the jump from there. That was two days so if I slept through the frustration I could wake up a winner... good plan I told myself.

“What are you giggling at?”

“Oops,” I replied not realising I had giggled.

“Don’t even think about trying to seduce me upstairs, it is not going to work. I’ve got enough images of dead bodies, rotten food and mistreated pets stored in my mind to keep me limp for a week.”

“We’ll see,” I said deciding I liked the challenge. “I’ve got enough images of you ‘unlimp’ to keep me going all night.”

“My god, why do I find that such a turn on?”

“Hello Superman, I’ve think I’ve found your Kryptonite,” I slipped a hand to crotch before he moved it back up.

“Dead people, dead people, dead people...” he mumbled to himself walking along with his eyes closed.

“Dressing table, dressing table, dressing table...” I mumbled back.

“You win,” he said swooping me up into his arms like Louis Lane and through the hotel doors.

People turned to look at us, laughing as I tried not to flash my bum in my short skirt. I apologised as he carried me into the lift and dropped me to my feet, kissing me as the lift closed. We got to our floor far too quick for my liking. I wanted to carry on in there. Instead the moment was ruined by rushing out of the lift, finding the key to the room and opening it to discover it trashed!

James and I just stood there staring. Stunned. He moved me back out into the hall way and down to the lift. I was numb as James pulled us along to the reception.

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