The not so simple life of a emo

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" Cyrus sweets time for school." my mom said as I got up 

" yeah yeah what ever." I said back 

" just get ready darling." 

" yeah because I really want to go and spend another day being called a "fagget" or "emo" all day what could be any better." I said sarcasticaly. 

" oh sweets it will get better."

" alright." I said as I walked in to the bath room to comb out my black hair. after I was down strating it I teased it and then did my make-up next was my clothes. I just wore a simple black shirt and riped skinny jeans. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and to spend another day in the hell-hole we call school.

AT SCHOOL**********************************************************************************

"Hey look everybody its cyrus the fagget  emo loser girl with know friends." scout the schools biggest bitch gossiper yelled to everyone.

" piss off scout."I spat

" nice come back." she barked

" what ever." I said to my self.

As I walked to my locker kept getting wierd stares from everyone like I know most girls likle scout or her friends missy and dissy would love it but me not so much. When I finally got to my locker  carolyn my best friend from pre-school to now. she was you average blond girl love pink only weres pink I for one HATE PINK. 

" carolyn whats goig on why is everybody looking at me wierd?"  I asked 

" don't know." she said simpley 

" its really bugging me." 

" how loser girl why don't you go back to where you came from and leave us better people alone." laughed markus  he has bullyied me since middle-school. 

"go fuck a slut markus you know you want to choud." I spat. it was funny to his friends and the hole school they where all laughing.

" maybe I will." he barked over the laughter

" I don't dout you would wait what am I saying no slut wants to fuck you cause you got harpies and STD'S." I said before walking off to class.

" you will regret that." markus said befopre storming off to class.

--------------------------------------------------------AFTER SCHOOL--------------------------------------------------------

I was walking out of the school when I discided I was going to put my hair in a bun. I started to make the bun with my hair when suddenly two arms was rapped around my waist and I was pulled to a car trunk and shuved in. I was really scared I was screaming for help as the car stared to move out of place.

" help help help help." I screamed again once someone finally opened the trunk and pulled me out it was markus and his friends I though I told him to go fuck a slut. it was odviouse that he did not listen but where wrer they taking me.

" I though I said for you to go fuck a slut." I spat at markus.

" I am." he said with a smirk " you."

" HA! I would never let you try or even get near all of this." I said jesterng to myself.

" babe you told me to go fuck a slut and now I am." He said pointing a fingure at me.

"touch me and die douch bag." I yelled

" shut up." markus said as he tied me to a wall " you no you are a slut but not normal one you can do what ever with." 

" thats because I am not a slut ." I screamed. next thing I new markus had his fist crashing down on my face and I Blacked out. 

" get up whore." said a fimilure voice. 

" wha"t I asked as I opened my eye to see Markus,Hayden,Dean, and steven there all smirking at me.

" what the fuck did you do to me." I spat

" nothing yet we want you to see this." Hayden smirked

"yup.'  dean said popping the 'p'

 " no no no no I wll never ever let you touch me." I screamed again 

" its to late princess its our time to have fun." steven barked 

" but why." I asked I could feel the tears running down my face.

" because we can do what ever."  Markus smirked again " stop cry."

Hat\yden punched me again and once again I was knoced out  but this time I had a dream of some one saving me and taking me home a protechting me from harm but it was all a lie.That would never happen to  girl like me. 

I wook up to here someone screaming. Maybe I was dead and my mom found me but know IT was not my mom nor carolyn it was a boy about my age wih emo styled hair and it was black like nine. He was screaming at Markus and beating the living shit outta Hayden and all ther others.

" what the." I asked. My hands were free and so were my my legs and a blanket covering my naked body.

" you just think your so grate don't you mister emo owns the proporty well that ant going to fly with me." markus spat at the guy.

" my parents own the proporty and don't make me call the police for trust-passing and kidnapping and sex abuse." he snaped back

" you wouldn't." markus said

" try me." he said picking up his phone to call 911. but before he called he punched markus in the face leaving him out cold. I gasped and I guess the boy herd me cause he truned his head my way.

" sorry." I said almost a wisper 

" don't be those guy have been like that since for ever." he said as he helped me look for my closthes. 

" thanks." I said as he handed me my clothes.

" know problem you need a lift." he asked 

" umm yeah but do I know you?." I questioned 

" well we have been going to the same school and been in the same math classes together so I hope you do." he said with a laugh.

"oh wait you Kieth Wentworth right." I asked

" the one and only."  he laughed again " com on I will give you a lift oh and don't worry I am nothing like Markus and then." he sai as I got up from the ground.

AT HOME-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I new I had to call carolyn but frist I had to do smoething. I went to my bathroom and pulled out my razor I kept hidden under the sink I needed to cut If i did not then I would have all this pane stuff in side my I need to be free and get aleast one good cut before tomorrow as I put the blad in frount of my rist  and stabbed it in. I could fell the pane and sorrow comeing outta my rist and on the floor.

inally I felt free and not traped in this world. I could not help but wander if  tomorrow will hold the same as today. soon to soon the bad memmories were gone and I was finally clean of the horribal mess that today truned into. and now I could sleep in peach and not live in fear. 

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