Chapter-15 A night in paradise

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I walked into Keiths room and noticed the pile of CDS on his dresser so I decied to check those out. I started to laugh at what I saw.

"you listen to the barney sound track." I asked still laughing.

"thats jenny's." he sad simply. 

'Ok." I smiled at the thout of the little girl.

"so..." keith started.

"so can I crah here to night." I asked after a while. 

"sure." he said " you hugry." 

"yeah starving." I said as I got up.

"ok then lets get a move on."

"aren't we going to bring your sister."

"yeah mom isn't home so yeah."


"You stay right here I am going to go get Jenny from her room." he said

"alright." I smiled at him. He kissed me on the check then walked away without a word.

 I sat there alone in the hallway outside of keiths door. I waited for come back with his sister. I waited for like 10 minets and nothing. I herd a big bang com from the down stars. A woman came up the stars but stoped when she saw me.

"and you would be." she asked a little rudley.

"ummm.... I am Cyrus Keiths girlfriend." I said a little nervouse.

"how old are you." she asked eyeing me.

"17." I answered. 

"hmmm..... you don't look like it you look to be at least 38." she stated." Are you a prostitute." 

"WHAT! no." I said.

"mmmmhhhh alright you keep saying you ant ,hun." she said.

"Why do you think I am a prostitute. " I asked.

"because you look like a slut in those clothes." she hissed. 

I looked at me clothes and noticed I was wereing all black skinnies with a black LONG sleve shirt that covered my arms. So I am ot really sure what she was getting at.

" I don't like sluts." she stated.

" I am not a slut." I said.

" I beg a differ." she said simply.

" Mom." I herd keith say from behind me.

" keith not now I am tryiong to get this slut out of the house." she said back to him. 

"shes not a slut she is my girl friend."

" YOU ARE NOT DATING A SLUT." she yelled in his face. 

"mom just leave." keith said.

"What know this is my house I will stayn if I to." 

"no your leaveing now." 

"fine but when I get back she better be gone." she said as she stomped down the stairs. 

"sorry about that Cyrus."  keith apoigized.

"its fine." I said brushing it off. 

"maybe we souldn't go out to eat." Keith said.

"yeah we should make something like pizza or cookies." I laughed. 

"yeah and and woll put cookies on the wizza." Jenny added.

"all alright lets go ladies." keith ushered us down the stairs.

------------------------------------------------3 LATER------------------------------------------------------------------

"So jenny is in bed." keith said.

"cool what do you wanna do." I asked.

"ummmm hows about you come with me." keith said as he got up and off the coach a out stretched a hand to help me up. 

"where are we going." I asked. 

"Paradise." he wispered in my ear.With that he lead me to the door where we put our shows on. We left the house and started for keiths car but then he stoped me.

"we are not taking my car." he said then started walking tords the forest in his back yard. 

I followed I wasn't sure what to say or do. Iwalked with keith untill my feet were sore then keith finally stoped at this place. It was beautiful. There was a water fall right in forunt of us. I watched as the water cascaded down into the pond below. I turned to my left and saw there was a little apple tree all by its self. 

"keith what is this place." I asked in shock.

"like I said before Paradise. I am the only one who really nos about this place but I wanted to share it with you because I love you and your special." he shrugged. I walked over to him and rapped my arms around his neack.

" I love you too keith." 

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