chapter-5 drama

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Its been I grate week me and keith have had the best relatsion ship and I am really happy because of it I don't fell alone anymore.He makes me happy he makes me smile god, how I loved his smile but what ever.


"yo wats up carolyn." I said as I answered the door.

" umm hey." she said. I could tell she was nervouse about something but I was not sure what.

"you ok." I asked.

"yeah fine." she assured me."but you may not be." she said her voice craking.

" what." I asked

"its your mom." she said "she was in a acident."

"w-w-what." my voice braking 

" she was driving and umm well she was ramed off the road." she said I saw some tears falling down her cheeks.

" I have to go." I said as I ran out the door.The hospital was not that far from were I lived so there was still a chance I could see her. I hoped. 


I started tord Cyrus house I hated to be the bear of bad news but she needed to know if she didn't already know. 

I knoked on the door and waited for a answere

"yo wats up carolyn." she said .

" umm hey." she said. 

"you ok." she asked.

"yeah fine." I assured me."but you may not be." I said my voice craking.

" what." she asked

"its your mom." I said "she was in a acident."

"w-w-what." her voice braking 

" she was driving and umm well she was ramed off the road."  i said  i could fell the tears falling down my cheeks

" I have to go." she said as I ran out the door.


*two days later*

"carolyn." I asked as I answered my door to see her standing there here blond her a mess and her make-up smuged it looked like she had been cryin.

" are you okay?." I asked I was never good at this thing so yeah.

" I am fine its Cyrus you should be worried about." she said. I had not herd or even seen cyrus I hoped she was okay.

"w-whats going on is she hurt." I asked

" only her hart." she said " her mom got in accident and now she is in a coma cyrus is not taking it so well." she said.

"WHAT." I yelled

" I need your help she wont eat all she does is sit in her room all day long and I know for one she does not sleep I can here her crying if her mom dies she will have know one." she said her voice cracking.

" oh god." I said as I gabbed carolyn by the shoulder and pulled her to my black cadilac and pushed her inside and drove off to Cyrus's house.


"I hate my life." I screamed I new I wanted to cut but didn't have the energy. I was hoping I could sit her and starve to death. But know I new I had to do something so I got up and got dressed and left the house with out  as ingle word I walk to the abanded park at the edge of town.

No one went there except me when I was sad or mad. It made me fell at peace with myself other then cutting this was my happy place.

but with my life I new I would never be happy if my mom died she is all I have left I know I got kieth and carolyn but I need my mom or I will die on the inside. I dont want to have to go to another stupid funeral or her stupid rumers about how my mom died.

 all I wanted was the simple day back were we where all friends and we all got along but that would never in a million years will  something so great like that will ever happen to me.

soon my life is going to fade away to black.


HEY guys readers how is it going what ever ok so yeah drama I knew in the last one there was nun so I descided what the heck I know it is not about Keith and cyrus tipe drama but it is a new relatsion ship and well way you no there will be some soon promise but yeah 


jordan xox 

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